
  • Ventalor - Ep 10: Big Trouble in Telona Town

    Little Guy Private Eye with a new mystery at hand begins to look into the death of Orryn Graywolf further, but it seems the party wants to turn this into a shopping episode? I may serve a slight spoiler that there are indeed consequences from the DM...

    This episode includes profanity, graphic descriptions, classism, philosophical and political ideas.

    Campaign Casters is a TTRPG Podcast. This campaign is played using a mixture of D&D 5e rules from 2014 and 2024. This campaign also introduces a new magic caster class that is of our very own creation and an entire world that is homebrewed straight from the minds of the Caster Masters, Nicholas Bailey and Haven Joseph-Lyon. Our episodes are edited from the sessions that we record with the players of this campaign.

    If you like our show, please give us a review and send to other creatives like yourself! Visit us at campaigncasters.com to learn about us and to direct you to gossip with others about this unique world and theorize what may happen next!

    This episode was edited by Keegan Hoover.

    This podcast is also supported by other creators as well! Any and all content creators will always get credited with us that help make this show possible:

    Our Logo was drawn by Bee "Mochi" Aritatpokin. https://www.instagram.com/typervoxilations/

    Our theme song is "Nobody's Hero" by Chronophobia. A metalcore band that you can find on all music platforms like Apple Music and Spotify.

    Background music and soundtracks were created by Ivan Duch! He is a dedicated fantasy music composer specializing in writing for his royalty free dnd music library, immersive soundtracks for film, music video games, and tabletop role-playing games.

    "Tuatha'an", "Dark Academia - 5 minutes", "The Old Ways", "In The Shadows", "Welcome to Spellhold", "Old Nights" "Small Town Feeling", "Link Street", "Maantje's Mystical Emporium", "The Streets of Baerlon", "The Shopkeeper", "Bolarius Theme - Reimagined", "The Vampire Court", "Penumbral Curse" and "Edmond's Field" are by Ivan Duch and was used in the creation of this episode. Please visit https://ivanduch.com/ and support this amazing artist!

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    1 時間 57 分
  • Ventalor - Ep 9: Changing Hands

    Little Guy Private Eye is finally introduced to the Telona District with many new mysteries to come; A serial killer? A new High Priest? and a new DM?!?!

    This episode includes profanity, graphic descriptions, classism, philosophical and political ideas.

    Campaign Casters is a TTRPG Podcast. This campaign is played using a mixture of D&D 5e rules from 2014 and 2024. This campaign also introduces a new magic caster class that is of our very own creation and an entire world that is homebrewed straight from the minds of the Caster Masters, Nicholas Bailey and Haven Joseph-Lyon. Our episodes are edited from the sessions that we record with the players of this campaign.

    If you like our show, please give us a review and send to other creatives like yourself! Visit us at campaigncasters.com to learn about us and to direct you to gossip with others about this unique world and theorize what may happen next!

    This podcast is also supported by other creators as well! Any and all content creators will always get credited with us that help make this show possible:

    Our Logo was drawn by Bee "Mochi" Aritatpokin. https://www.instagram.com/typervoxilations/

    Our theme song is "Nobody's Hero" by Chronophobia. A metalcore band that you can find on all music platforms like Apple Music and Spotify.

    Background music and soundtracks were created by Ivan Duch! He is a dedicated fantasy music composer specializing in writing for his royalty free dnd music library, immersive soundtracks for film, music video games, and tabletop role-playing games.

    "The Streets of Baerlon", "Dead on Ice", "Mystery Aboard the MNO", "Givmaru Trading Harbor", "The Dark Ways", "The Valleys of Death (Instrumental)", "Small Town Feeling", "Good & Evil", "In The Shadows", "The Herbalist", "The Workshop", and "The Floist Boy" are by Ivan Duch and was used in the creation of this episode. Please visit https://ivanduch.com/ and support this amazing artist!

    続きを読む 一部表示
    2 時間 34 分
  • Ventalor - Ep 8: Do Big Brothers Go Home Eventually?

    Little Guy Private Eye must now face their great challenge yet in this missing persons case. Will they be able to find Fennic? Save Brine? End this whole drug operation?

    This episode includes profanity, graphic descriptions, abduction, and references to drug use.

    Campaign Casters is a TTRPG Podcast. This campaign is played using a mixture of D&D 5e rules from 2014 and 2024. This campaign also introduces a new magic caster class that is of our very own creation and an entire world that is homebrewed straight from the minds of the Caster Masters, Nicholas Bailey and Haven Joseph-Lyon. Our episodes are edited from the sessions that we record with the players of this campaign.

    If you like our show, please give us a review and send to other creatives like yourself! Visit us at campaigncasters.com to learn about us and to direct you to gossip with others about this unique world and theorize what may happen next!

    This podcast is also supported by other creators as well! Any and all content creators will always get credited with us that help make this show possible:

    Our Logo was drawn by Bee "Mochi" Aritatpokin. https://www.instagram.com/typervoxilations/

    Our theme song is "Nobody's Hero" by Chronophobia. A metalcore band that you can find on all music platforms like Apple Music and Spotify.

    Background music and soundtracks were created by Ivan Duch! He is a dedicated fantasy music composer specializing in writing for his royalty free dnd music library, immersive soundtracks for film, music video games, and tabletop role-playing games.

    "At Night", "Bloody Castle", "Magic is Born", "Into the Heart", "Wode", "Soothing Darkness", "Barn of Creake", "The Dark Ways", "The Streets of Baerlon", "The Valley of Death (Scarborough Fair Cover Instrumental)", "Cheerful Forest", "The Assessintion of Blue Cap", and "Dead on Ice" are by Ivan Duch and was used in the creation of this episode. Please visit https://ivanduch.com/ and support this amazing artist!

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 53 分
  • Ventalor - Ep 7: Pushing Our Luck

    Little Guy Private Eye faces off with Kalhoon, a giant killmouli mafia boss with a lot of luck up his sleeve...

    This episode includes profanity, graphic violence, abduction, abuse, and references to drug use.

    Campaign Casters is a TTRPG Podcast. This campaign is played using a mixture of D&D 5e rules from 2014 and 2024. This campaign also introduces a new magic caster class that is of our very own creation and an entire world that is homebrewed straight from the minds of the Caster Masters, Nicholas Bailey and Haven Joseph-Lyon. Our episodes are edited from the sessions that we record with the players of this campaign.

    If you like our show, please give us a review and send to other creatives like yourself! Visit us at campaigncasters.com to learn about us and to direct you to gossip with others about this unique world and theorize what may happen next!

    This episode was edited by Keegan Hoover.

    This podcast is also supported by other creators as well! Any and all content creators will always get credited with us that help make this show possible:

    Our Logo was drawn by Bee "Mochi" Aritatpokin. https://www.instagram.com/typervoxilations/

    Our theme song is "Nobody's Hero" by Chronophobia. A metalcore band that you can find on all music platforms like Apple Music and Spotify.

    "Torbadiir" By Ari Bardack Mitchell

    Background music and soundtracks were created by Ivan Duch! He is a dedicated fantasy music composer specializing in writing for his royalty free dnd music library, immersive soundtracks for film, music video games, and tabletop role-playing games.

    "Emond's Field", "Mystery Aboard the MNO", "The Skeleton Battle", "The Toy Maker", "Dark Dungeon", "Sad Strings", "The Horde", "The Red Opera", "The House of Pleasures", "Godzilla vs Kong", "Penumbral Curse", "Escape from Shadar Logoth", "Surunan's Fall", "Dark Encounters", "In The Shadows", "Born to Darkness", "Staring Abyss", "Catch It!", "Soothing Darkness", "Stygia 5 Minutes" are by Ivan Duch and was used in the creation of this episode. Please visit https://ivanduch.com/ and support this amazing artist!

    続きを読む 一部表示
    2 時間 38 分
  • Ventalor - Ep 6: Cliff-hanger

    Before setting off to find Fennic, the group travels to speak with Ignas to uphold a promise and finds themselves going back down to The Depths...

    This episode includes profanity, brief sexual content, and references to drugs/alcohol use.

    Campaign Casters is a TTRPG Podcast. This campaign is played using a mixture of D&D 5e rules from 2014 and 2024. This campaign also introduces a new magic caster class that is of our very own creation and an entire world that is homebrewed straight from the minds of the Caster Masters, Nicholas Bailey and Haven Joseph-Lyon. Our episodes are edited from the sessions that we record with the players of this campaign.

    If you like our show, please give us a review and send to other creatives like yourself! Visit us at campaigncasters.com to learn about us and to direct you to gossip with others about this unique world and theorize what may happen next!

    This episode was edited by Keegan Hoover.

    This podcast is also supported by other creators as well! Any and all content creators will always get credited with us that help make this show possible:

    Our Logo was drawn by Bee "Mochi" Aritatpokin. https://www.instagram.com/typervoxilations/

    Our theme song is "Nobody's Hero" by Chronophobia. A metalcore band that you can find on all music platforms like Apple Music and Spotify.

    Background music and soundtracks were created by Ivan Duch! He is a dedicated fantasy music composer specializing in writing for his royalty free dnd music library, immersive soundtracks for film, music video games, and tabletop role-playing games.

    "The Streets of Baerlon", "Wode", "Magic is Born", "Small Town Feeling", "The Carnival", "Maantje's Mystical Emporium", "The House of Pleasures", "Deep", "Dripping Cave", "City", "At Night", "The Witch", "Market", "Beneath Ground", "Escape from Shadar Logoth", "Mirage", "The Assassination of Blue Cap", "Louis" are by Ivan Duch and was used in the creation of this episode. Please visit https://ivanduch.com/ and support this amazing artist!

    続きを読む 一部表示
    2 時間 22 分
  • Ventalor - Ep 5: The Man Upstairs

    With the arrest of Crauly and Urbane we get to interrogations, then some much needed downtime with an introduction of a stranger

    This episode includes profanity and references to drugs/alcohol use.

    Campaign Casters is a TTRPG Podcast. This campaign is played using a mixture of D&D 5e rules from 2014 and 2024. This campaign also introduces a new magic caster class that is of our very own creation and an entire world that is homebrewed straight from the minds of the Caster Masters, Nicholas Bailey and Haven Joseph-Lyon. Our episodes are edited from the sessions that we record with the players of this campaign.

    If you like our show, please give us a review and send to other creatives like yourself! Visit us at campaigncasters.com to learn about us and to direct you to gossip with others about this unique world and theorize what may happen next!

    This podcast is also supported by other creators as well! Any and all content creators will always get credited with us that help make this show possible:

    Our Logo was drawn by Bee "Mochi" Aritatpokin. https://www.instagram.com/typervoxilations/

    Our theme song is "Nobody's Hero" by Chronophobia. A metalcore band that you can find on all music platforms like Apple Music and Spotify.

    Background music and soundtracks were created by Ivan Duch! He is a dedicated fantasy music composer specializing in writing for his royalty free dnd music library, immersive soundtracks for film, music video games, and tabletop role-playing games.

    "The Green Man", "A Cozy Tavern", "Tuatha'an", "Into the Heart", "Scholars of Mysterious Arts", "Magic is Born", "Wode", "At Night" are by Ivan Duch and was used in the creation of this episode. Please visit https://ivanduch.com/ and support this amazing artist!

    続きを読む 一部表示
    2 時間 16 分
  • Ventalor - Ep 4: An Overplayed Hand

    Finally made it to the High Bidder's Room! Hopefully we play the subtle approach...

    This episode includes profanity, gambling and references to drugs/alcohol use.

    Campaign Casters is a TTRPG Podcast. This campaign is played using a mixture of D&D 5e rules from 2014 and 2024. This campaign also introduces a new magic caster class that is of our very own creation and an entire world that is homebrewed straight from the minds of the Caster Masters, Nicholas Bailey and Haven Joseph-Lyon. Our episodes are edited from the sessions that we record with the players of this campaign.

    If you like our show, please give us a review and send to other creatives like yourself! Visit us at campaigncasters.com to learn about us and to direct you to gossip with others about this unique world and theorize what may happen next!

    This podcast is also supported by other creators as well! Any and all content creators will always get credited with us that help make this show possible:

    Our Logo was drawn by Bee "Mochi" Aritatpokin. https://www.instagram.com/typervoxilations/

    Our theme song is "Nobody's Hero" by Chronophobia. A metalcore band that you can find on all music platforms like Apple Music and Spotify.

    Background music and soundtracks were created by Ivan Duch! He is a dedicated fantasy music composer specializing in writing for his royalty free dnd music library, immersive soundtracks for film, music video games, and tabletop role-playing games.

    "Peaceful Tavern" is by Ivan Duch and was used in the creation of this episode. Please visit https://ivanduch.com/ and support this amazing artist!

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 43 分
  • Ventalor - Ep. 3: Investigators "Day Off"

    Little Guy Private Eye enter the casino and enjoy a little bit gambling! While focusing on the mission of course...

    This episode includes profanity, gambling and references to drugs/alcohol use.

    Campaign Casters is a TTRPG Podcast. This campaign is played using a mixture of D&D 5e rules from 2014 and 2024. This campaign also introduces a new magic caster class that is of our very own creation and an entire world that is homebrewed straight from the minds of the Caster Masters, Nicholas Bailey and Haven Joseph-Lyon. Our episodes are edited from the sessions that we record with the players of this campaign.

    If you like our show, please give us a review and send to other creatives like yourself! Visit us at campaigncasters.com to learn about us and to direct you to gossip with others about this unique world and theorize what may happen next!

    This podcast is also supported by other creators as well! Any and all content creators will always get credited with us that help make this show possible:

    Our Logo was drawn by Bee "Mochi" Aritatpokin. https://www.instagram.com/typervoxilations/

    Our theme song is "Nobody's Hero" by Chronophobia. A metalcore band that you can find on all music platforms like Apple Music and Spotify.

    "Valued Logic", "Fast Passes", and "Casino Syd" are by Taylor Galford.

    Background music and soundtracks were created by Ivan Duch! He is a dedicated fantasy music composer specializing in writing for his royalty free dnd music library, immersive soundtracks for film, music video games, and tabletop role-playing games.

    "Fjall" and "Man The Harpoons" are by Ivan Duch and were used in the creation of this episode. Please visit https://ivanduch.com/ and support this amazing artist!

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 51 分