Episode 2 of the "Chronic Pain Series" features Catherine Courtice, a chronic pain coach, author and survivor. In 2007, Catherine fell backwards down a flight of stairs...and her life was never the same. She was confined to her bed and couch with only doctor's appointments on her calendar within the terrifying, foreseeable future. One day she had her "catalyst moment". She was done giving power to others to decide HER fate.
Little by little, she learned to partner with her body and reframe by "saying yes" to her life! Catherine supports and coaches individuals struggling with debilitating diagnoses and chronic pain through her AARC framework (acknowledge, accountability, reframe, choice).
*You can find her book "When Life Gives You Lemons, Choose the Lime: Embracing Life After Diagnosis" on Amazon.
**Connect with Alyssa on Instagram @uproot.and.uplift and Catherine @overcomechronicpain