
  • CFL 37: Mary Mother of Life

    Catholic Foundation Library #37

    Our Lord told us that He is "the way, the life and the truth" and since Mary is his mother it is only right to address her under the title "Mary Mother of Life."

    Eve was called the Mother of the Living, but Mary is Mother of Life to indicate that she is not only the Mother of the Living but the Mother of Life itself -- Our Lord.

    Eve was the Mother of the Living -- those under the original curse: "for dust you are to dust you will go." In contrast, Mary is the Mother of those who have received life in Christ -- eternal life.

    In this talk, we explore the importance of this title and its relevance to our times plagued by contraception and abortion. Come and learn how Mary can lead all those who are lost back to Christ so that they may have life and have it abundantly.

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    1 時間 4 分
  • CFL 36: Our Lady of Guadalupe

    Catholic Foundation Library #36

    Many have heard of Our Lady of Guadalupe and many have seen the famous image imprinted on the tilma of St. Juan Diego, yet few truly understand the importance of this divine intervention in the life of the Church.

    What was the life of people of the Americas before the Church reached the continent? What did they believe in and why did they refuse the Christian message with such a great determination that only a very small portion of the population had converted?

    How can we then explain that in the span of 10 years following the apparition, over 8 million converted to the faith? What did they see in the tilma that was not made visible to them before?

    This talk presents the story of Guadalupe against its historical backdrop and will help you better understand the great gift Our Lord gave us from the Cross when he told the Beloved Disciple: "behold your mother." It will also help you better appreciate the importance of the pilgrim site of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

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    1 時間 2 分
  • CFL 35: Fatima -- A historical Perspective

    Catholic Foundation Library #35

    In 1917, Our Lady appeared in the small town of Fatima, Portugal to 3 children and entrusted them with three important messages, the last of which became known as the Third Secret of Fatima.

    In this lecture, we give a practical, historical example of the workings of God in history through the covenant. We explain how the Lord is leading all of history to its appointed end via political and economic events. By listening to this lecture you will learn to see the world through the covenant and realize more and more that the events of our time are as biblical as the exodus of Israel out of Egypt.


    • What are the weapons of the Catholic Church? Prayers and sacrifice. Find out why.
    • If Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, where is his throne? In heaven or on earth? Yes and Yes. Find out why.
    • On March 25th, 1884, Pope Leo XIII ordered the prayer of St. Michael the Archangel to be said in all Masses throughout the world. One hundred years later, day-for-day, an event of world-wide importance took place. Find out what happened during these 100 years and how Christ is ruling the world.
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    1 時間
  • CFL 34: Angels in Action

    Catholic Foundation Library #34

    In this talk, we will listen to what saints and other pious people have had to say about their experiences with angels.

    Some have seen their guardian angels since they were little. Others, like Padre Pio, saw and conferred with their angels and the guardian angels of other people regularly.


    • Are we held by the Holy Spirit during struggles and temptations? Yes. Find out why.
    • Illusions, apprehensions, and anxiety cloud our intellect. Find out why this is dangerous.
    • Angels have two powers to battle the devil.
    • Angels can physically protect you.
    • Train yourself to depend on your angel.
    • Angels are not optional, we need them.
    • A guideline to daily prayer.
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    1 時間 5 分
  • CFL 33: The Archangel Raphael

    Catholic Foundation Library #33

    This lecture is a meditation on the role of the Archangel Raphael who is much neglected in Catholic circles.

    We will study the Book of Tobit and discover all that this great, heavenly saint can do for us.


    • Do angels know the future? No. (this applies to demons as well). Find out why.
    • Can an angel help us discern our vocation? Absolutely.
    • Can St. Raphael help us find a wife/husband? Ask him. You will be surprised.
    • Do angels intercede on our behalf before the throne of God? Yes. Even when we do not ask? Yes. They are our best friends.
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    1 時間 4 分
  • CFL 32: Our Guardian Angel

    Catholic Foundation Library #32

    In this talk, we will learn why we need a guardian angel, or more specifically, why it is impossible for us to get to heaven without our guardian angel.

    Against the three enemies of the flesh, the world, and the devil, our Lord has given us an angel to protect us, to guide us, to encourage us when we fall, and to console us.


    • We are disordered because of original sin. We need our guardian angel's help.
    • There are three enemies recorded in Scripture that we must fight: the flesh, the world, and the devil. To win we must understand the nature and purpose of the enemy.
    • Do we need guardian angels? Absolutely. Find out why.
    • We need the sacraments, and our guardian angel leads us to them.
    • Find out five ways your guardian angel helps you.
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    53 分
  • CFL 31: Nine Choirs of Angels

    Catholic Foundation Library #31

    In this talk, we will be studying the nine choirs of angels from the Seraphim down to the choir known as angels.

    We will learn about each of these choirs and find out more about their angelic nature. Also, we will understand the statement of Our Lord when he said inA Luke 20:36 that the saints in heaven are like angels.


    • After we die, do we become angels? No. At the end of the world, we will have a body. Angels are pure spirits, they do not have bodies.
    • Are angels natural creatures? Yes. Find out why.
    • What does Jesus mean when he says we shall be like angels?
    • Can angels control physical matter? Yes. We will learn why.
    • Do holy and fallen angels have the same faculties? Yes, they do but we do not need to worry. Learn why.
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    1 時間 3 分
  • CFL: 30 Living in the New Age

    Catholic Foundation Library #30

    You may have heard this expression associated with non-Catholic groups or organizations, and what you may not know is that this expression refers to the time we live in, the time of the Church, the end times.

    In this lecture, we study passages such as Matthew 19:27-30, Luke 1 46-55, Romans 16:24-27, to understand what was meant by this expression. We will clarify its meaning and grasp the relationship that exists between the new age and the Church.


    • Why is there an overlap of the new and old covenant?
    • What do we mean when we say that the Church is a battlefield?
    • Is God's kingdom established?
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    1 時間 7 分