In Part Three of Cory's groundbreaking documentary, she addresses Karl von Habsburg's meteoric rise to power; as well as the principles touted by his Pan European Movement, which rises to prominence and is voted into office by an exhausted Europe.
Habsburg and the Pan Europeans institute systemic change, we learn, eliminating wasteful social programs and performing much-needed belt-tightening. A new government is formed called the Global Union, and what Cory discovers in her many interviews is that survivors of the Great Collapse ardently supported Habsburg's efforts. Felt it was "about time", or so they claim, now that 48 years have passed. We go on to learn how globalization of commerce is pursued in earnest, along with a worldwide conversion to alternative sources of energy such as wind and solar. This has the dual effect of putting millions of North Americans back to work...and causing the collapse of Islamic Theocracies controlling Middle Eastern oil reserves.
The timing couldn't have been better, we learn, for as far back as 2015, scientists had been predicting that the world’s supply of fossil fuels would become depleted within decades. The Earth - and more importantly humans as a species - would have to reckon with this irrefutable fact. Things had to change. The Global Union reacts swiftly - and in so doing sets off an economic expansion that brings about the dawning of a new, spectacular era.