Chat Time Presents - Would you rather The 5th an final episode of the kick start of Chat Time Season 4 the electric conversation. We are proud to bring you an episode without Calvin and with the 2 beautiful hosts, Jamison and Chris. If you enjoyed this episode and haven't seen the first 4 Check em out their hilarious otherwise we will be back next week Wednesday at 3:30pm!! If you enjoy our content here check out our YouTube and our Twitch!! (links below) Get the Merch here!! https://www.bonfire.com/store/chat-time/ Want to Join In? We’re Looking for Call-Ins! Stay tuned at the beginning and end of this episode because we want your requests for some hilarious calls in upcoming episodes! Choose between: Prank calls to your friends "Second Date Update" segments Cheating suspicion investigations Email us at chattimeofficial2022@gmail.com to have us call someone you know and feature them on Chat Time! Follow Us for More Laughs: Instagram/Threads: Chattimeofficial Mr_thust Momsearlobe TikTok: Chattime2022 YouTube: Chat Time Twitch: Chat_time Questions, Suggestions, or Call Requests?Email us at: chattimeofficial2022@gmail.com – we’d love to hear from you!