
  • Shining a Light

    Transfiguration Sunday ends the season of Epiphany, where we get to see more fully who Jesus is and what he is about. His glory shines bright on those that are around him. And in so doing, we are called to shine his light to the world. Pastor Matthew's sermon is based on Luke 9:28-45.

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  • Jesus Sees Us

    The Pharisee and his guests didn't want to see the woman who came in. Just Jesus see her. He hears her. He reminds her that she is not alone. He provides hope. And he sends her out renewed and restored. And he does that for us as well, especially when the world wants to erase people. Jesus invites us to see and hear people, to know they are not alone. To offer hope, and to send us out. Pastor Matthew's Sermon is based on Luke 7:36-50.

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  • Not what we expected

    Jesus defies expectations. And that's good news. While so many are expecting Jesus to cozy up with those in power, to find him in place of wealth and might, we can always find him on the margins of society with the poor and outcast - healing, restoring life, bringing good news. Pastor Matthew's sermon is based on Luke 7:18-35.

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  • Words are Powerful

    Words can be helpful and healing, or they can cause harm. A Tweet this past week made unfounded claims that will have a negative impact on people. Speeches by leaders in the past have brought healing and new life. In our Gospel reading, Jesus brings healing and new life through the word, in literal ways. How has Jesus spoken into our lives and communities with healing, hope, and new life? How is Jesus calling on us to use words to bring healing and new life around us? The sermon is based on Luke 7:1-17.

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  • Order vs. Humanity

    Does humanity exist to serve law and order, or do these things exist to serve humanity? Humanity has struggled with this forever. Religious groups have been so concerned with upholding the law, that they are willing to kill in order to maintain a preferred order. Jesus rejected the ends justify the means. He extends grace, even when it upsets the established order. The sermon is based on Luke 6:1-16.

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  • Something stinks!

    Jesus calls his first disciples, fishermen. They stunk. But it wasn't because of their odor. It was the ways of the society around them that stunk on them. He calls on them to fish for people. That goes beyond inviting people to church. We're called to cast a net of love on people. The Gospel smells different - like the aroma of mercy. The sermon is based on Luke 5:1-11.

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  • Jesus' unpopular sermon

    Jesus preached an unpopular sermon. The crowd wanted to throw him off a cliff. Why? Because he had the audacity to declare that their barriers, boundaries and such were not what God was about. The message still applies today. Jesus calls us to break down barriers in our time and place as well. The sermon is based on Luke 4:14-30.

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  • What Should We Do?

    What should we do? That's the question that gets asked so very often in light of so many horrible things that go on in our world. It's the question the crowd asked John. The answer is Good News. The sermon is based on Luke 3:1-22.

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