Christian Saints Podcast

著者: James John Marks
  • サマリー

  • The Christian Saints Podcast is a joint production of Paradosis Pavilion & Generative Sounds which explores the calendar of The Church

    Episodes are hosted by James John Marks of Chicago, with oversight by Fr Symeon Kees, a priest of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America, through which he is currently serving St Raphael Orthodox Church in Iowa City.

    If this podcast is edifying for you, please consider the entire Paradosis Pavilion catalog as well as the music of Generative Sounds

    Iconographic images used by kind permission of Nicholas Papas, who controls distribution rights of these images

    Prints of all of Nick’s work can be found at Saint Demetrius Press -

    Please forgive us our shortcomings, and pray for us

    © 2025 Christian Saints Podcast
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The Christian Saints Podcast is a joint production of Paradosis Pavilion & Generative Sounds which explores the calendar of The Church

Episodes are hosted by James John Marks of Chicago, with oversight by Fr Symeon Kees, a priest of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America, through which he is currently serving St Raphael Orthodox Church in Iowa City.

If this podcast is edifying for you, please consider the entire Paradosis Pavilion catalog as well as the music of Generative Sounds

Iconographic images used by kind permission of Nicholas Papas, who controls distribution rights of these images

Prints of all of Nick’s work can be found at Saint Demetrius Press -

Please forgive us our shortcomings, and pray for us

© 2025 Christian Saints Podcast
  • What Does It Mean to Be Orthodox?

    What Does It Mean to Be Orthodox?

    The first Sunday of Lent, The Triumph of Orthodoxy, is the subject of this week's episode.

    Originally remembering the Old Testament prophets, who spoke truth to power, now remembering the fathers of the 7th ecumenical council, which affirmed the necessity of the veneration of icons in Orthodox worship, Jim takes a few minutes to reflect on why it is Orthodoxy seems to triumph under adversity rather than flourishing when it is the established state religion.

    Reference materials for this episode:
    Episode remembering The Icon Not Made By Hands
    Synodikon of Orthodoxy

    Scripture citations for this episode:
    John 1:43-51
    Hebrews 11:24-26, 11:32-12:10

    The Christian Saints Podcast is a joint production of Generative sounds & Paradosis Pavilion with oversight from Fr Symeon Kees

    Paradosis Pavilion -

    Iconographic images used by kind permission of Nicholas Papas, who controls distribution rights of these images

    Prints of all of Nick’s work can be found at Saint Demetrius Press -

    All music in these episodes is a production of Generative Sounds
    Distribution rights of this episode & all music contained in it are controlled by Generative Sounds
    Copyright 2021 - 2023

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    23 分
  • How Do We Prepare for the Evangelion of The Christ?

    How Do We Prepare for the Evangelion of The Christ?

    Fr Symeon is busy now with the activities of Great Lent in his parish & so Jim is solo hosting a series of short reflections on the structure of the Paschal cycle.

    This first episode will examine the four pre-Lenten Sundays:
    - The Publican & The Pharisee
    - The Prodigal Son
    - The Last Judgement
    - Forgiveness

    He is choosing to frame this under the question how do we prepare for the Evangelion of The Christ because it was at the feast of Pentecost, which was originally the Jewish feast on which they celebrated the giving of the covenant through Moses to the people of Israel, at which St Peter & the other apostles first preached Jesus’ victory over death, setting all humanity free from the power of sin. This five month season of the year sets in motion a process of preparation which culminates in our renewal of our commitment to the life of the way of faithfulness to this declaration of a military victory.

    Reference materials for this episode:
    St Gregory Palamas on The Sunday of The Last Judgement
    Episode about St Gregory

    Scripture citations for this episode:
    Exodus 19-31: The covenant with Moses
    Matthew 6:9-13: The Lord’s prayer
    Matthew 7:1-5: We will be judged as we judge others
    Acts 2: The preaching of the evangelion of Jesus The Christ
    Romans 2:1-11: By judging others we condemn ourselves because we do what they do

    First Sunday - The publican & the pharisee
    - 2 Timothy 3:10-15
    - Luke 18:9-14

    Second Sunday - The prodigal son
    - 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
    - Luke 15:11-32

    Third Sunday - The Last Judgement
    - 1 Corinthians 8:8-13; 9:1-2
    - Matthew 25:31-46

    Fourth Sunday - Forgiveness Sunday
    - Romans 13:11-14; 14:1-4
    - Matthew 6:14-21

    The Christian Saints Podcast is a joint production of Generative sounds & Paradosis Pavilion with oversight from Fr Symeon Kees

    Paradosis Pavilion -

    Iconographic images used by kind permission of Nicholas Papas, who controls distribution rights of these images

    Prints of all of Nick’s work can be found at Saint Demetrius Press -

    All music in these episodes is a production of Generative Sounds
    Distribution rights of this episode & all music contained in it are controlled by Generative Sounds
    Copyright 2021 - 2023

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    30 分
  • Is Jesus a Hippie?

    Is Jesus a Hippie?

    Scripture citations for this episode:
    - Genesis 9:8-17: Covenant with Noah
    - Luke 15:11-32: The Prodigal Son
    - Acts 2:14-43: The declaration of the military conquest of Jesus

    The Christian Saints Podcast is a joint production of Generative sounds & Paradosis Pavilion with oversight from Fr Symeon Kees

    Paradosis Pavilion -

    Iconographic images used by kind permission of Nicholas Papas, who controls distribution rights of these images

    Prints of all of Nick’s work can be found at Saint Demetrius Press -

    All music in these episodes is a production of Generative Sounds
    Distribution rights of this episode & all music contained in it are controlled by Generative Sounds
    Copyright 2021 - 2023

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    1 時間 14 分

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