In this special holiday episode of the RepcoLite Home Improvement Show, sponsored by Benjamin Moore, host Dan Hansen dives into the festive spirit with fascinating Christmas stories and trivia. The episode begins with the heartwarming tale of the Christmas Truce of 1914, where soldiers from opposing sides of World War I shared a moment of peace. Dan also reveals the touching and timely origins of the Christmas carol 'Do You Hear What I Hear', written during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Finally, he discusses the creation of a beloved Christmas story. With history, trivia, and more, this episode is packed with holiday cheer and intriguing insights.CHAPTERS00:00 Introduction and Christmas Extravaganza Kickoff02:38 The Christmas Truce of 191412:48 The Story Behind 'Do You Hear What I Hear?'25:18 The Origins of __________________38:39 Conclusion and Christmas Wishes