
  • The Gospel of Luke | To Be a Kid Again - Luke 18:15-17

    To continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, Ben Miller preaches from Luke 18:15-17.

    In this passage, we arrive at another of Jesus’ most famous interactions. Yet, as is often the case, the “familiar” strikes us with a dose of humility. This week we answer the question, “How does one enter the Kingdom of God??” Just as it did then, the answer to that question might just surprise us and force us again to wrestle with the “upside down” nature of the Kingdom of God.

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  • The Gospel of Luke | Problematic Prayers - Luke 18:9-14

    Jonathan Suggs, our Young Adult Director, preaches from Luke 18:9-14.

    Having just encouraged his disciples not to lose heart in their praying, Jesus recognizes one way prayer can go terribly wrong. What happens if prayer becomes a means to bolster our own self-righteousness? Contrasting two different men who approach God, Jesus shows us that true prayer is seasoned with penitence, rather than recalling our pietistic performance.

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  • The Gospel of Luke | Persistent Prayers - Luke 18:1-8

    Pastor AJ Rankin preaches from Luke 18:1-8.

    We need to pray. God has created prayer as the relational pathway to intimacy between Him and his people. Unfortunately, prayer often gets neglected, avoided, or downright forgotten. Jesus knows that we can often falter, and get discouraged with prayer. Therefore, he gives us a parable of a vulnerable, yet persistent woman who bothers an unrighteous judge. If this unjust judge will respond, how much more will God hear the cries of his people? Jesus encourages us that it's our prayers that are the true measure of our faith.

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  • The Gospel of Luke | The Coming of the Kingdom - Luke 17:20-37

    Pastor Steve Lindenmeyer preaches from Luke 17:20-37.

    Everyone looks forward to a better day, a beautiful future, to the hope of heaven. The Pharisees ask Jesus when the Kingdom will arrive but Jesus confounds their expectations by pointing to his work as the Son of Man. Taking them on a survey of the Old Testament, Jesus points to the historical rejection of prophets like Noah and Lot. Just like these men who spoke for God in their generation, so now the stakes are raised for those who hear the word of the Son of Man.

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  • The Gospel of Luke | Ten Cleaned, One Thankful - Luke 17:11-19

    Pastor AJ Rankin preaches from Luke 17:11-19.

    As Jesus continues toward Jerusalem, he encounters ten lepers who cry out for mercy. Jesus instructs them to show themselves to the priests, and as they go, they are cleansed. However, only one of them, a Samaritan, returns to praise God. Jesus observes the absence of the other nine and commends the faith of the Samaritan, using this moment to teach his disciples about the type of attitude that should characterize those who follow him.

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  • The Gospel of Luke | We Have Only Done Our Duty - Luke 17:1-10

    Pastor Steve Heron preaches from Luke 17:1-10.

    Luke closes this chapter with one of Jesus' more enigmatic parables: The rich man and Lazarus. Jesus shows us the paralyzing effects that wealth can have. Deadening our senses to the eternal state, the truth of God's word, and even the resurrection—a life of luxury leaves us both deaf and dumb. Jesus shows us that hearing His word protects us from the peril of eternal torment and has the power to guide us home.

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  • The Gospel of Luke | Sermons from Hell - Luke 16:19-31

    Pastor Steve Heron preaches from Luke 16:19-31.

    Luke closes this chapter with one of Jesus' more enigmatic parables: The rich man and Lazarus. Jesus shows us the paralyzing effects that wealth can have. Deadening our senses to the eternal state, the truth of God's word, and even the resurrection - a life of luxury leaves us both deaf and dumb. Jesus shows us that hearing His word protects us from the peril of eternal torment and has the power to guide us home.

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  • The Gospel of Luke | How to Justify Yourself - Luke 16:14-18

    Pastor Steve Heron preaches from Luke 16:14-18.

    The Pharisees heard Jesus loud and clear. You can't serve God and money. They ridicule the absolute polarity of Jesus' teaching, leading to a rebuke and a strange description of those entering the Kingdom. Jesus takes on the culture that surrounds money and marriage to show that faithfulness to God and his word requires grit and courage to abandon our sinful lusts

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