
  • Ep 52: Life lessons from golf

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    Not a golfer? That's OK. Neither am I! But I learned some valuable life lessons on the golf course about the value of choosing wise friends and learning from them.

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    13 分
  • Ep 51: Defining success

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    Sometimes we go into something with a plan that will define success when it's all over, only to realize God's definition can often be different. In His loving, gentle, and faithful way, He reminds us of what is truly most important.

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    15 分
  • Ep 50: The kids in the back

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    I learned a valuable lesson from the "kids in the back". The kids who were left on the outside. The kids who weren't like the others. Little did I know at the time that they impacted my life more than I impacted theirs.

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    14 分
  • Ep 49: Tell your story!

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    What do you do when you think your story just isn't very exciting? Do you feel the need to embellish it? Do you avoid telling it? That's the topic of today's episode!

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    13 分
  • Ep 48: What's your legacy?

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    What will others say of you at your funeral? What we do in life, how we make people feel, how we influence people will be our legacy. It's not too late to make changes so that what we leave behind is a positive, even eternal impact on the lives of others.

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    16 分
  • What's the point?

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    Sometimes we have to determine who we aren't to discover who we are. To identify what we don't want in order to discover what we do want. This is something that will happen over and over in your life.

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    21 分
  • Ep 46: Finding purpose through the unexpected

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    Just like each snowflake is unique from every other one, we are all created uniquely, specifically, and intentionally. God has included within you the essential ingredients that make up your purpose in this world, to please Him and making a difference in the lives of others.

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    24 分
  • Overcoming insecurity

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    Growing up and living with insecurity and a powerful inferiority complex was sometimes crippling. But as I grew in my relationship with God, I transformed from being a people-pleaser to being a God-pleaser. And the byproduct has been not a confidence in self, but in God that He defies logic and sometimes uses the most unexpected people and personalities to do things they never thought they could.

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    20 分