
  • 42.Lunar New Year年近歲晚

    Host: Samson - How do you do Lunar New Year? The meals? The dos and don'ts? Join us as we welcome the year of rabbit! 在加拿大點慶祝新年呢?一齊來傾吓啦!

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  • 41.Phone Apps 你手機有乜apps?

    Host: Colin - What is your phone to you and what apps do you have? 手機對你嚟講係乜嘢,你部機有乜野apps呢?

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  • 40.New Year Resolution新一年有冇願望

    Join us to discuss new year resolutions and how we might make them meaningful.新年願望有用嗎?有乜辦法大啲機會實現呢?

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  • 39.Another Year 又一年

    What kind of dessert would you compare your 2022? Was it more like a durian or Tiramisu? 你嘅2022過成點呢?如果以一種甜品來形容這一年,會係似榴槤定係Tiramisu呢?

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  • 38.Meals Together年尾年頭食餐飯

    From 'Winter Solace dinner', to Chinese New Years, which day do you celebrate? And what is your favourite way to get together? 由冬至到新年,大家慶祝邊啲日子呢?你鐘意點樣慶祝呢?

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  • 37.Christmas Tradition 慶祝聖誕

    Host: Joyce - For some, Christmas is a family tradition, and for others it is just another holiday. How will you spend your time? 聖誕係重要節日,定只係年尾一個假期呢?你地會點樣渡過呢?

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  • 36.What do you think of winter? 你覺得冬天點呢?

    Let's share funny winter stories to keep ourselves warm! 愈來愈冬了,不如講下冬天趣事,一起寒中作樂!

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  • 35.Learning to dress up 洗唔洗著靚啲?

    Host: Samson - Like it or not, people get an impression of us by what we wear. But how much attention should we pay to how we dress? 鐘意唔鐘意都好,我地點著衫會影響人地點睇自己。咁,應該放幾多心機去諗著乜衫好呢?

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