Should you see a massage therapist or a chiropractor? If you're dealing with constant tension, body aches, or stress-related tightness, choosing the right professional can make all the difference. In this episode of Coffee Chats, Tahjma VanBuren sits down with licensed massage therapist Ann-Jerrica Artis to break down the key signs that indicate you need a massage therapist instead of a chiropractor (or vice versa!).
We also cover why service-based business owners often hold tension in their bodies, the misconceptions about massage therapy, and how self-care can help you work better, feel better, and prevent burnout. If you've ever wondered whether your body pain is something a chiropractor should crack or a massage therapist should work out, this episode is for you!
Instagram: @TahjmaVanB
LinkedIn: @ Tahjma VanBuren