
  • You Can't Reap What You Don't Sow

     The point is this: whoever sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully.  7 Let each one give as he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion—for God loves a cheerful giver. [b] 8 And God is able to make all grace overflow to you, so that by always having enough of everything, you may overflow in every good work. 9 As it is written,

    “He scattered widely, He gave to the poor;
    His righteousness endures forever.”

     Now the One who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed and increase the harvest of your righteousness.  You will be enriched in everything for all generosity, which through us brings about thanksgiving to God.

    - 2 Corintians 9:6-10

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    40 分
  • You Want The Blessing But Not The Responsibility

    If you want the blessing, take a look at the Responsibility that comes with it. You can't take one without the other. Luke 12:48 tells us, " To Whom much is given, much is required." We are given incredible blessings in our lives, spiritual and otherwise, things that God wants us to use and share with others. Let this serve as a reminder that our blessings are to exalt his mighty name. 

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    44 分
  • Don't Limit Your Prayers Because You Think You're Unworthy

    Sometimes, we hear from listeners who think they aren't good enough or worthy enough to talk to God. We believe what we have done cannot be forgiven, but God is more significant than your sin. He wants to know you, every single part of you. Don't hide; you are the child of a King, and he is waiting for you! God Loves you, and he wants to have a relationship with you. 

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    39 分
  • Lamenting To The Lord

    Do you cry out to God in your times of anger, frustration, sorrow? What does that look like for you? Come join the conversation as Mandi and Dani discuss.

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    41 分
  • Fun Stories And Life Updates

    You’ve probably noticed, we’ve been a bit off schedule recently. Mandi and Dani share life updates, fun stories of their latest adventures, and update listeners on new episode release date. 

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    43 分
  • I’ll Be Happy When Syndrome

    It’s easy to get caught up with the expectations of life, but remember to be joyful in the moment. 

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    39 分
  • Idols- You Can Only Serve 1 Master

    Where is your heart? Are you putting the world above God? Mandi and Dani talk about the harsh realities of idolatry and how we can evaluate our relationships with the world in order to cultivate a much stronger relationship with God.

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    42 分
  • Creating A War Room And How To Use It

    Mandi and Dani diving into war rooms, what they are, and how do we use them. We want know, what is your war room must have?

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    36 分