In this episode, we explore the tragic disappearance of 12-year-old Jared Negrete during his first overnight Boy Scout trip in July 1991. Set against the backdrop of the San Gorgonio summit, Jared, described as a shy but intelligent boy, struggles to keep pace with his troop and is left alone on the mountainside. After a firefighter's last sighting of him, an extensive search ensues, involving hundreds of volunteers and specialized rescue teams. Join us as we go over the search efforts, question the actions of his troop leader, and review what evidence that was found in the wilderness.
***If you know anything about the disappearance of Jared Negrete in July of 1991 - or his whereabouts today - please call the San Bernardino County Sheriff at 909-387-2978***
Camarillo Star, North County Times, The San Bernardino County Sun, The Napa Valley Register, Reno Gazette-Journal, The Modesto Bee, Daily Press, The Desert Sun, Thousand Oaks Star, South Ontario News, Daily Times-Advocate, Enterprise-Record, The Californian, The Hanford Sentinel, The Desert Trail, The Sacramento Bee, Santa Cruz Sentinel, Syracuse Herald-Journal, Tulare Advance-Register, The Tribune, Turlock Journal, Big Bear Grizzly, and The Los Angeles Times.
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