
  • When a Pope Passes, Part 2 (#313)

    Greg and Ed speculate about how the Catholic Church might (or might not) change whenever Pope Francis passes.

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    Website: https://www.consideringcatholicism.com/

    Email: consideringcatholicism@gmail.com

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  • When a Pope Passes, Part 1 (#312)

    Pope Francis has been in the hospital for a couple of weeks. We are praying for his recovery, but it raises the question: what happens when a pope passes? Greg and Ed talk about the process of papal transitions.

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    Website: https://www.consideringcatholicism.com/

    Email: consideringcatholicism@gmail.com

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  • Faith or Works? Part 10: Is the Church a Real Thing? (#311)

    In practice, most Protestants believe that after justification we are called to grow in sanctification through good works, which is the Catholic position. So, what's this whole faith vs. works controversy really about? Greg wraps this series by suggesting that it's about whether you believe the Church is a real thing, with real sacraments, that really dispenses grace.

    Support this ministry so more people can consider Catholicism!

    Website: https://www.consideringcatholicism.com/

    Email: consideringcatholicism@gmail.com

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  • Faith or Works? Part 9: Locked In or Left Guessing? The Truth About Eternal Security (#310)

    This is one of those age-old debates—“Once saved, always saved?” or can you lose your salvation? And who’s really fretting at night—Catholics, or our Protestant and Evangelical brothers and sisters?

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    Website: https://www.consideringcatholicism.com/

    Email: consideringcatholicism@gmail.com

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  • Faith or Works? Part 8: The Mystery of Merit (#309)

    Greg tackles one of the trickiest, most misunderstood words in Catholic theology: “merit.” The very mention of merit sets off alarm bells for many non-Catholics (and even some Catholics!), who suspect that we’re advocating a system where we earn salvation through human effort. But does the Catholic Church really teach that?

    Support this ministry so more people can consider Catholicism!

    Website: https://www.consideringcatholicism.com/

    Email: consideringcatholicism@gmail.com

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  • Faith or Works? Part 7: Indulgences (#308)

    The whole Faith vs. Works debate really kicked off in 1517, when Martin Luther complained about the Catholic Church charging German peasants money for something called "indulgences." Since then, Protestants will pull this out as a kind of trump card: "The Catholic Church sells salvation through indulgences! That proves it believes in salvation by works!" Greg takes this topic on, explains the myth from the reality, and brings the receipts.

    Support this ministry so more people can consider Catholicism!

    Website: https://www.consideringcatholicism.com/

    Email: consideringcatholicism@gmail.com

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  • Faith or Works? Part 6: Purgation (#307)

    We've been talking about how salvation is a multi-phase process, not a single event. It involves justification, which is entirely by grace through faith and repentance. It also involves sanctification, the journey towards holiness, maturity in Christ. But what happens if we don't complete that journey by the time we die? Can unholy people stand before a holy God? The Catholic doctrine of purgation (the process) and Purgatory (the state) is a kind of spiritual chemotherapy that burns all the metastic and residual sin out of us so that we can enter heaven having been made clean.

    Support this ministry so more people can consider Catholicism!

    Website: https://www.consideringcatholicism.com/

    Email: consideringcatholicism@gmail.com

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  • Can Suffering Have Value? (#306)

    Greg and Ed discuss their friend Danny, who is going through an extremely difficult experience. Ed realizes that before he began considering Catholicism, he didn't really have a way to make sense of this kind of suffering, but he's begun to see the value in it. Greg explains that Catholicism teaches us that Danny might be closer to the Kingdom of God than either of them.

    Support this ministry so more people can consider Catholicism!

    Website: https://www.consideringcatholicism.com/

    Email: consideringcatholicism@gmail.com

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