
  • Slow Down

    Work doesn’t have to be rushed. To become a master craftsman, whatever it is that you do, you need to learn to slow down when you rush or get impatient. Otherwise, what you do isn’t fully what it could be.

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  • Stories: My Career in Web Marketing

    I thought I’d do a new spin on my podcast, Stories. I want to share some experiences I’ve had in life that have meant a lot to me and have been pivotal times steering my life. I share them because they might also encourage you in the creative space, your job, or wherever you find yourself. I hope you enjoy today’s episode.

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  • Thoughts from my Journal & Trusting God

    In today’s episode, I reflect on my journal and the things I’ve written about the Lord. I hope you enjoy it.

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    27 分
  • Loving God, Loving Others and Reflections on Advent

    Advent reminds us to look to Jesus, the Messiah, who redeems, restores, and provides. Love God, love others, and trust Him to meet every need.

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  • The Hope of the Good Shepherd

    Reflections on Psalm 23:1

    "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want."

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  • The Desire For The Heavenly City

    I've been reading the Book of Revelation. Today, I spent some time in Revelation 21 and 22. In these scriptures, we see a future city called the New Jerusalem that descends upon the earth. In this city and on the earth, there will be no more sin and death. There will be nations and peoples living and working in a restored world, and God will be among us. Listen as I share a few thoughts on this passage.

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  • Whatever You Find To Do Today

    Don't spend too much time figuring out your purpose and miss what has been given to you today. We can spend a lot of time seeking our calling or purpose to change our current situations. Right now, we are living and moving in the Lord, so seek Him and serve the Lord in whatever you do.

    Colossians 3:23-24 NKJV "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ."

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  • When You Feel Lost

    Be okay to sit with your thirst. Be okay to stop trying to answer the questions you have on your own. You don't have to figure it out. Bring all your questions to the Lord and wait for Him.

    Read more on CreationSpeaks.com.

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