
  • CD 49 - Thomas M. Ward On Boethius & Stoicism

    Professor Thomas M. Ward teaches at Baylor University. He is a philosopher who focuses on Medieval thought, especially the work of John Duns Scotus. He is the author most recently of After Stoicism: Last Words of the Last Roman Philosopher from Word on Fire. We discuss that book, Boethius, Stoicism, living in C.S. Lewis’s home in Oxford, and who is Johhn Duns Scotus anway?

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    1 時間 13 分
  • CD 48 - Eduard Habsburg On Building Families

    My guest once again is His Imperial and Royal Highness, His Excellency Eduard Habsburg, Archduke of Austria and Ambassador of Hungary to The Holy See and the Sovereign Order of Malta. He is the author of the new book Building a Wholesome Family in a Broken World: Habsburg Lessons From the Centuries from Sophia Institute Press.

    We discuss his new book, the Habsburg tradition of family, the birth rate crisis in the West, and whether the Loch Ness monster and Bigfoot are real.

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  • Bookish Questions - Caitlin Smith Gilson & Carol Scott

    Carol Scott is an artist and Professor Emeritus of Art at the University of Holy Cross. Caitlin Smith Gilson is a philosopher and author. She was the guest on Cultural Debris Episode 42.

    Rhapsody and Redolence: The Crystal Decade

    Caitlin Smith Gilson: As It Is In Heaven

    Carol Scott: Website | Instagram | Facebook

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  • CD 47 - Chris Arnade Walks the World

    Chris Arnade writes the Substack ‘Chris Arnade Walks the World,’ which chronicle his wanderings as he literally walks and walks and walks all over the world. He is the author and photographer for the book Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America. Chris and I discuss the value of getting out of your physical and intellectual bubble, loyalty to your restaurant and bar, the McDonald’s test, and why America’s forgotten people would support a New York real estate tycoon and reality TV star for president. I will note, this interview was recorded prior to the Trump assassination attempt and President Biden’s withdrawal from the race. All that said, this episode is not about partisan politics.

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  • CD 46 - Ghiglino 1893 On Bringing British Style to Genoa

    One of my favorite discoveries in Genoa is the clothing store Ghiglino. A family owned local shop that is over 130 years old, Ghiglino embraces traditional British style with an Italian twist. They have lightened my pocketbook on each visit.

    I was thrilled to be able to interview two generations of owners at the shop, Alba Barabino and Elena Queirolo. We discuss the history of Ghiglino, how it became the thriving store it is today, how they balance traditional style with changing trends, and the time that actor Stanley Tucci stopped by.

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  • Bookish Questions - Dale Ahlquist

    Dale Ahlquist has made the study and promotion of the works and ideas of G.K. Chesterton his life’s work. He serves as president of the Society of G.K. Chesterton.

    The Everlasting Man, by G.K. Chesterton, at Word on Fire

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  • Bookish Questions - Jane Clark Scharl

    Jane Clark Scharl is an American poet, playwright, and critic.

    Sonnez Les Matines, a Verse Play by J.C. Scharl

    J.C. Scharl website | Twitter

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  • CD 45 - Andrew Petiprin On Popcorn With the Pope

    Andrew Petiprin is co-author of a new book from Word on Fire called Popcorn With the Pope, which examines all the movies on the 1995 Vatican movie list. Did you know there was a 1995 Vatican movie list? Me, either! Andrew is a former fellow at Word on Fire, a co-founder of the Spe Salvi Institute, and host of the Ignatius Press podcast. Andrew and I discuss the new book, the mission of the Spe Salvi Institute, and whether or not you and I should care about pop culture.

    Andrew Petiprin Website | Twitter | Instagram

    Ignatius Press Podcast

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    Spe Salvi Podcast with Alan Cornett

    Popcorn With the Pope

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    1 時間 7 分