
  • Flora Doodle and her 8 Kids part 1

    Today we talk with Flora Doodle about what it is like to rise 8 children! this is a long one and will be two parts as we where only able to get though all 8 being born. But there is so much in this episode! Twins, age gaps, moving homes, complications at birth, life and death, hot day without AC, parenting choices, and homeschooling! Check it all out here and listen for part 2.

    If you want to support me and hear exclusive content, please head to my patreon Patreon.comCuriousJoel

    You can find me on Insta @CuriousJoelCast on X @JoelCirco or email me at Curiousjoelcast@gmail.com

    Thank you for listening and till next time, stay curious!

    続きを読む 一部表示
    2 時間 24 分
  • Story Creation with Jeff Gomez

    Today we talk with Jeff Gomez of Starlight Runner Entertainment.

    We talk about how he got into story-telling, his role in Magic: the Gathering, how he got people to play Dunguns & Dragons before it was popular, and how he helps other companies and people tell their stories.

    Here are the links for Jeff:

    His website Starlightrunner.com, Instagram @Slrgomez, X @Jeff_Gomez, LinkedIn @JeffGomez

    To support this podcast Patreon.com/CuriousJoel, X @JoelCirco, Instagram @CuriousJoelCast or Email Curiousjoelcast@gmail.com

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 55 分
  • Wrestling with Zack and Nick

    I have not just one but TWO lifetime wrestlers with us today! Zach and Nick. We talk about how wrestling changed their lives and how it still affects them today, how much wresting is a mental fight as much as a physical fight, how WWE is not wresting, how they coach the next generation how to wrestle.

    If you like what what I do, please think about support me on https://www.patreon.com/CuriousJoel

    Follow me on Twitter @JoelCirco on Instagram @CuriousJoelCast or email Curiousjoelcast@gmail.com

    Intil the next time, thank you for listening and stay curious!

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 29 分
  • Curiosity and Podcasting with Joel Circo

    My guest today is none other than me!

    I talk about how I got started on my journey in podcasting, where my curiosity comes from, why I make this podcast, and so much more!

    If you like listening to this podcast, consider supporting me on my Patreon Patreon.com/CuriousJoel. You'll get exclusive content, like the Icebreaker questions and special mini-episodes.

    You can find me on Instagram @CuriousJoelCast

    Thank you all for listening and until next time, stay curious!

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 36 分
  • Comics and Superheroes with Sean Mills

    Today I talk with Sean Mills about his love of comics and superheroes!

    We cover topics such as favorite comic brands, heroes, top superhero video games, and how he came to write his own comic!

    You can check out his comic here: Verybigcomics.com/GamerGirlandVixen

    This is my first time recording a remote interview, please let me know what you think. Should I do more like this? Also, thank you for your patience as I moved across the country and got settled. I have more interviews to set up.

    If you would like to support me and the podcast you can do so on Patreon. You'll hear episodes first, listen to the icebreaker questions I ask before the podcast, and hear my Patreon exclusive mini-episodes.

    You can find that all here: patreon.com/CuriousJoel

    On Instagram @CuriousJoelCast

    Or Email Curiousjoelcast@gmail.com

    Thank you so much for listening, till next time, stay curious!

    続きを読む 一部表示
    53 分
  • Web Design with Aaron Olszewski

    Today we talk to Aaron Olszewski!

    He is a Website Designer.

    We talk about vision casting with customers, finding the right design for each person and company, AI shortcuts, Art vs. Science, SEO, customer service, self-driving cars vs. AI customer service, and so much more!

    You can find Aaron at Otechservice.com or Aaron@otechservice.com and put Curious Joel or Joel Circo in the subject line.

    If you would like to support me, you can do so here: Patreon.com/CuriousJoel

    You can follow me on Twitter @Joelcirc, Instagram @Curiousjoelcast, or Curiousjoelcast@gmail.com.

    If you would like to check out Malana's work you can check it out here: Malanadodd.com or Instagram @Malanasdesign



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    1 時間 12 分
  • Stargazing with Heather Olszewski

    Today we talk with Heather Olszewski. She is an optical engineer.

    We talk about the Hubble and the James Webb telescopes, how people are like planets, NASA and so much more!

    You can support me and this show at Patreon.com/CuriousJoel

    Follow me on Twitter @JoelCirco or Insta @CuriousJoelCast or email Curiousjoelcast@gmail.com

    Check out December's photography at DecemberNoel.com or Insta @DecemberNoelphoto

    Malana's graphic design MalanaDodd.com or Insta @MalanasDesign

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    1 時間 28 分
  • Wilderness Medicine With John Jacobs

    Today we talk with John Jacobs! 

    He teaches wilderness medicine, the kind you need hiking and climbing, with his company Adventure Risk Management!

    We talk about what wilderness medicine is, how to use it, how he found teaching, why it is such a usefull skill in life, learning software, Snakebite Sucktion Devices Don't Remove Venom: They Just Suck, what a WFR is, make up and so much more!

    If you want to learn more about wilderness medicine you can here: 


    If you want to support me and this podcast, you can do so at Patreon.com/CuriousJoel

    Check out Malana Malanadodd.com and @Malanasdesign

    Check out December Decembernoel.com and @Decembernoelphoto


    You can always find me on Twitter @Joelcirco on Instagram @Curiousjoelcast and email Curiousjoelcast@gmail.com

    Thank you all for listining! I'll catch you all in the next episode!

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 23 分