Great Coffee from Coffee Brand Coffee! https://coffeebrandcoffee.com/?ref=q27CBUWflfPV6C Welcome back! In today's episode, we dive into some crucial updates and discussions around the world of disc golf. 🥏 LVC Axed from DGPT for 2024 🥏 The Las Vegas Challenge, a notable event in the disc golf community, is no longer part of the DGPT in 2024. We discuss the statement from Jessica Jacquart and Scott Merritt, Co-TD of LVC, shedding light on what's next for the event, the unwavering support from sponsors, especially Innova Champion Discs, and what to expect from the 25th-anniversary event. Could there be a special disc release? Stay tuned! Read the full statement here: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02rPovGePY89t6XkZiBMXk3kuX5oyDYx1dZARcogSbd36QL9LFNZpdLVBTqjhiQn6hl&id=100063723110006 🔥 USDGC/Throw Pink Update 🔥 The much-anticipated USDGC and Throw Pink starts this week! We've got a list of those who qualified today. From John Blackburn to Erika Stinchcomb, we discuss their journey. And, can we talk about the change in gimmicks? Say goodbye to mozzarella sticks and hello to plastic Christmas trees! 🙏 Kona's Battle with Thyroid Cancer 🙏 In heartfelt news, Kona Montgomery announced her thyroid cancer diagnosis on Instagram. We discuss her upcoming surgery, what this means for her career, and the overall prognosis. Our thoughts are with her. Remember to support, share, and hit that notification bell for more updates! #DiscGolf #LVC #USDGC #ThrowPink #KonaMontgomery Joe's Disc Golf Merch https://www.joesdsicgolf.com/shop Discord Channel https://discord.gg/RpAMEJrZPC Linktr.ee https://linktr.ee/joesdiscgolf Support Joe's Disc Golf https://www.buymeacoffee.com/JoesDiscGolf Check out Hostinger for all your web hosting needs! https://hostinger.com?REFERRALCODE=1JOESDISCGO12