
  • Grand Tour: Digimon GT
    The Digidestined go on a world wide tour, to one place. the continent of Server.
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    43 分
  • The Face of Angels?

    The digidudes stand toe to toe with the final boss, Devimon. This is the kind of guy only an angel can beat, but where would you find one?

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    42 分
  • The Face of Evil?
    We're about to meet a butt load of new Digimon, and one might just be the most important one of all. It's Leomon. We mean Leomon.
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    37 分
  • Championship Edition Part 2

    We talk about the back end of the Champion digivolutions. Does anyone have a new favorite?

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    19 分
  • Championship Edition Part 1
    Our digital pals are growing up before our eyes. We get our first glimps of Champion digivolution, and our second, and third.
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    32 分
  • Dads Anime Stache Adventure: 01

    Enough is enough and it's time for a change! The Dads are gonna take a break from wheels and gambling and do a deep dive into the Digital World! Come on an adventure with us as we talk about Digimon Adventure episode 1!

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    28 分
  • Worlds End Harem, Softcore Hentai at it's finest

    The Dad's go to a dark place and watch Worlds End Harem. The dark place, of course, is a world where most men have died because of a disease know as the MK virus. In real life we'll probably all die of heart disease. Like Goku. I have high blood pressure.

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    50 分
  • Here comes Dragonball! We review it all!

    The Dad's sit down an watch a classic anime, Dragonball. Before there was Z, or GT, or Super, or Kai, there was a 10 year old boy murdering an entire army. Let's watch!

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    1 時間 4 分