Day 41
Today's lesson highlights the gravity of Lashon Hara, which the Chafetz Chaim teaches is worse than the gravest sins. Even under pressure, guarding our words is non-negotiable—because our speech shapes our world. This daily lesson is presented by Rabbi Ari Klapper and produced by Eli Podcast Productions, as part of the Real Judaism series. You can find more content like this at RealJudaism.org. Don’t forget to subscribe and share so you never miss a chance to deepen your understanding of Torah and Jewish living!
We know it’s been a while since our last episode, and we truly appreciate your patience. Behind the scenes, we’ve been working hard on some exciting changes to bring you even better content. Thank you for sticking with us—we’re thrilled to be back and can’t wait to continue sharing timeless Torah wisdom with you! The podcast Bezrat Hashem will be released 2 or 3 times a week