Some things in life are constant, unchangeable. If you jump up, no matter how you badly wish or believe that you will fly, you wont. Because of gravity. As true as gravity is, everything in nature has a recipe.
As a person who is trying to master their mind, understanding that for every effect, there is a corresponding cause… for every fruit, there is a designated se ed. An apple seed would soon bear apples, orange seed, oranges. You cant expect an apple seed to bear oranges. That does not work that way.And that is the rule of nature.
Stoics believed that the highest good is when we live in accordance with nature.
And as with all pursuits, every outcomes have prescribed recipes… or seeds…
If you want others to treat you better, treat them with respect in the first place. If you want to get rich, or stay poor, there is also a recipe to that as well.