The seventh episode of the Day of Ruin. Our officers interrogate a prisoner, set off for a lab, and meet the local wildlife.
Follow fresh new students to the officers academy of Nidavellir as they prepare to lead and fight in the ongoing war against their countries eternal enemy, but all it takes is one day to change the course of their lives and ruin all they had planned. The day of ruin is upon our students.
Join Dungeon Master Ross, with players Michael, Alex, Ennessa, Mira and Tion into the first self contained season of Souls Ascension.
Editing by Mira
Intro & Outro Music:
Pixel Sky by TGH https://tghsrmusic.bandcamp.com/
(Distilled Highlands; High Rannoc Village; Homecoming; Forgotten Forest; Terror In The Woods; Long Rest)
By Tabletop Audio www.tabletopaudio.com
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
(Sunbathing; Nocturnal Bloom)
By PeriTune https://peritune.com/
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.