Deborah is herself, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. She took her experiences in recovering from this experience and became a certified co-active coach, a certified trauma-informed coach and an associate certified coach through the International Coaching Federation. Deborah is also the founder of Through the Jungle, LLC – a life-coaching business especially dedicated to helping all survivors of sexual abuse. She is coming to us from Minnesota – hopefully on a lake somewhere. Today’s discussion will focus mainly on Deborah’s amazing new book, called "Out of the Basement – Beyond Surviving Sexual Assault." Presented by Voices Beyond Assault and Co-Hosted by Craig Heiting and Lorward Choi.
Contact Deborah Halvorson
Instagram: @debthroughthejungle
Linkein: linkedin.com/in/DeborahHalvorson
"Out of the Basement - Beyond Surviving Sexual Assault" is available at GoogleBooks, Amazon, ThriftBooks, Barnes&Noble, eBay and all major bookstores.
"Eye for an Eye" and "Too Late Tomorrow" words and music by Phil Angotti. Phil Angotti music are available at Apple Music and all major online music services.
Contact Voices Beyond Assault
Email: info@voicesbeyondassault.org
Email: men@voicesbeyondassault.org
Website: www.voicesbeyondassault.org