Devil's Gambit is a high-energy, action-packed series that delves into themes of power, greed, and personal redemption. Set against the backdrop of the high-stakes world of international finance and corporate espionage, this dark and intense story unravels the cutthroat tactics employed by those hungry for control. Beneath the surface of the financial intrigue, Devil's Gambit also explores the fragile bonds of love and loyalty as its characters are forced to navigate personal relationships amidst an unpredictable and dangerous landscape.
In Book1: Silent Retaliation, we meet Rachel Woods, a brilliant and resourceful protagonist whose intelligence is matched only by her relentless determination. Armed with a web of global connections, Rachel isn't afraid to do what it takes to protect her interests—but her methods come at a cost. As her shadowed past begins to surface, Rachel’s quest for justice pits her against some of the most powerful players in the game.
Rated PG-13
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