Ladies, have you ever felt dismissed by the medical community when voicing your experiences with menopause? Meet Dilyana Maliva, a former lawyer and now a holistic menopause coach, who will validate your experiences and guide you through this transition. Sharing her own journey and the countless women she's helped, Dilyana tackles the challenges of menopause - the hormonal roller coasters, the mental and physical changes - with grace and grit. She emphasizes the importance of understanding your body's changes, finding the proper support, and, most importantly, acknowledging and valuing your experiences.
We also journey through the bewildering path of perimenopause. Its signs, impacts, and the crucial role of self-care and awareness during this time. Calling upon professionals like gynecologists, acupuncturists, and sleep experts, we strive to give you an arsenal of knowledge and comfort. Further, Dilyana's podcast, Menopause Made Easy, is highlighted - a trove of resources just a click away. Tune in, subscribe, and join us in this empowering discussion for every woman to thrive during menopause. You're not alone, and your journey is validated here.
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- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendymanganaro1/