Avantis Investors, a company that manages investments, uses a scientific approach to determine which stocks are likely to provide the best returns. Their strategy is based on the idea that investors set the prices of stocks based on their expectations of future profitability, or discount rate. Avantis aims to identify companies with higher implied discount rates, suggesting they are more likely to provide higher returns. They use valuation ratios, which incorporate information from a company’s financial statements and current stock price, to identify these companies. Their strategy focuses on profitability and book-to-market ratios, which are known to predict future performance. Avantis also incorporates additional factors, such as momentum and investment patterns, to further improve their stock selection. Finally, they implement a rebalancing strategy that seeks to minimize unnecessary trading costs while maintaining their desired portfolio exposure.
Avantis Scientific Approach To Investing Document: https://res.americancentury.com/docs/inst-avantis-scientific-approach-to-investing.pdf
My Free Personal Finance Guide: https://github.com/engineerinvestor/personal-finance-guide/blob/main/A_Friendly_Guide_to_Personal_Finance_and_Investing_for_Everyone.ipynb
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As always, these are my opinions and do not constitute investing, legal, or tax advice. Please seek guidance from a professional.
Note: I uploaded a new episode replace an inaccuracy in the original version of this episode.