I want attorney's fees in a Florida divorce. Who pays attorney fees in a Florida divorce? I want the other side to pay for my motion. I want the other side to pay for my petition. I want the other side to pay for my divorce. I want the other side to pay for my establishment of paternity. Attorney Jacobs, I want the other side to pay for my child support litigation. Maybe it will happen. Maybe it will not. Under what circumstances might that be a reasonable request? Well, one, if there's such a financial disparity that you cannot afford litigation and the other party is flush and more than able to provide for attorney's fees if ordered by the court. Two, if the other side has failed to abide by a court order and the rules of the court once, twice, multiple times, has the other side failed to provide their financial discovery as required and then a court order has commanded them to do so? Have they still been in non-compliance? Perhaps then, attorney's fees are appropriate. Has the other side lied under oath? Can you prove that it is a lie? Attorney's fees might be appropriate. Has the other side filed a vexatious or frivolous motion, which is clearly designed to harass, waste time, delay and cause expense? Perhaps attorneys fees are appropriate in that case. Ultimately, it comes down to not whether you want attorneys fees, but whether you need attorneys fees, whether litigation is ongoing and you would be disadvantaged without them and the other side has the ability to pay and your attorneys fees are reasonable. And also has the other side been something of a thorn in the side of a court. And the judge absolutely knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that your side is the reasonable side and that the other side is a rule breaker repeatedly causing them to allow for attorney's fees to be ordered to be paid to you.
Call Jacobs Law Firm at 407-335-8113 to learn more. This is not legal advice and does not establish an attorney-client relationship.