There is a huge push for men to show their emotions more by shedding tears or crying. Articles say that this is a sign of men in touch with their emotions or inner child. Feminism is also being pushed on men to deal with their problems more like women.
Men are men. Women are women. 2 different species people.
I don't really cry. Never have. Neither did my old man before me besides 2 occassions. He was still in touch with his emotions as anyoe would tell you who met him.
The notion that he needed to cry more around his 6 kids? What a joke!
I work in the frontline of men in construction. Hard men that carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. The majority don't cry and never will but they read these articles and wonder is there something wrong with them?
Be you boys. Just make sure you have a constructive way of dealing with your emotions which ipacts your mental state. For me its training every morning with DRAFT 72.
Don't think that because you don't cry you are not in touch with your emotions. Don't think that because you'd rather roll your sleeves up and sort out a problem then shed tears and talk about it you are wrong.
The world needs strong men now more than ever. When I think of what my dad and grandad had to endure it makes me proud they were who they were.
Get a daily routine going boys to work on you. Make sure the home is a safe haven for the family. Listen to your wife and make decisions together. Listen and nuture your children. Protect your kingdoms.