This interview qualifies as the one business focused conversation that I try to have every season. If you are in business, this one has extra special umph for you because SEO and marketing parameters are covered, so consider taking a few notes if you are indeed an entrepreneur, or entrepreneurial thinker! BUT. . . This also explores a little more about the world as we know it, or as it turns out may not know it, online! Social media and all the forms of influence that are now part of the everyday reality we all live in and live with, can it be trusted? That's just one of the questions we look at in this episode. It is important for all of us to understand what is really going on out there in the wide world of the internet, and all the manipulations, and agendas that are alive and well. Join us and gain a better perspective, some cool tips and maybe even an aha moment!
Find out more about Brandon Leibowitz and his company, please go to: https://seooptimizers.com
Find out more about Deborah Bishop, please go to: https://www.welcometobishopworld.com
Hop on Deborah's Calendar for a complimentary Clarity Session: http://www.BookDeborahBishop.com