Marcus goes to mercy house and spends the night with her they wake up and go to work together. When they get there Jeffery comes up and says so you spent the night at mercy house. Marcus says yes Jeffery says ok I was just making sure you didn't off yourself. Tay and adam are at the shop when adam says hey how are you doing bestie tay say good what about you. Adam says good how are you and Marcus doing. Tay says we doing good why you ask. Adam said no reason just checking to make sure he keeping my friend happy. Tay says how long have you known Marcus adam says for a long time since high school he was always good at hiding secrets. Tay says trust me I know. But I have to ask you something. Adam says go ahead tay says are you gay. Adam says bisexual to be exactly why do you ask tay says it because you are working in a women's shop. Adam laughs and says yes. Tay says have you and Marcus ever done anything adam says between me and you yes. He use to love it when I jump on him. You know I was his first tay says wow really? Adam says yes we always kept in contact I didn't know he was even here until I saw him at your party. Tay says interesting I guess you don't know a man. Adam says nope guess not. After work, Marcus and mercy are walking to their car and mercy says I have to stop by the store to get somethings Marcus says do you want me to go. Mercy says no you can have the key to get into the house I will be there later. Marcus says ok and goes to mercy house. Mercy goes to the store and while she is shopping adam pops up hey I remember you from the coffee shop. Mercy says yea your Marcus friend. What do you want? Adams says I am sorry about all the stuff I was saying at the table you just needed to know the type of man Marcus is. But it's ok if you still love him. Hell, I do mercy looks and says ok. Adam says your dress looks nice where did you get it from. Mercy says macys Adams says dang girl you have a taste. Maybe we should go shopping sometime. Don't worry I will pay just to make up for how bad our first meeting with mercy says ok. Marcus goes to tay house and tay says he told it all he didn't lie about dealing with you. Marcus says I was young and I am not like that anymore. Tay says I think he still wants you. Marcus says that's not funny. Tay says I am serious you need to be careful because if he is not afraid to tell me no telling who else he will tell. Marcus says you're right that's why we gotta get rid of him tay says what do you mean get rid of like give him money so he can leave Marcus says no like get rid of him. Tay says you just said the same word twice Marcus. Marcus says maybe make him disappear. Tay says no I am not helping you hurt someone because of their sexuality that's crazy you will have to find another way. Marcus says there is no other way this one thing I did when I was younger will haunt me for the rest of my life if this dude still walking the earth.