Marcus wakes up at Mercy's house and Mercy left a note saying they had to handle some business she cooked and left breakfast on the table. Marcus eats and goes to work he sees Mercy kissing her and says hey baby I missed you this morning. Mercy said I missed you too but work has to be done. Marcus says ok. At lunchtime, Adam comes through the door saying hey bestie you ready? Mercy says yes and Marcus is shocked Adam looks a Marcus and says hey friend. Marcus just looks at me with no response. Mercy says Baby I hope you don't mind Adam is coming with us for lunch. Marcus says no I am good. I still have more work to finish. Mercy says are you sure. Marcus says yes I am positive. Adam says all that's sad I was hoping to catch up. With you. Marcus says maybe another time. Then they leave. Jeffery says what's going on Man first he was around tay now he is around Mercy. Looks like be trying to take your girls, man. Marcus says now he can do that. Jeffery says yea I remember he was gay remember he got caught in the bathroom with that dude we never found out who he was with. Marcus says yea that's crazy and old as hell. Jeffery says maybe he likes you and starts laughing Marcus says funny very funny let's get back to work man. After work, Marcus goes to tay house and tay says how was work Marcus says it was good. I missed you though tay says I miss you too. Marcus gets up and kisses tay and tay ask are you still thinking about hurting Adam Marcus says no I am just going to leave that situation alone. And let it die out. I wanna give you a baby though. Tay smiles and says I'm happy you let it go. Because it's old you made a mistake when you were younger you experimented with him and that was it. I forgive you. But those trannys still be on my mind, Marcus. Marcus says Baby it was a mistake as well I will never do that again I felt bad afterward. I am done with that life. I love you tay and always will. Adam and Mercy are done shopping and Mercy say do you want to come over for dinner. Adam says no I am tired maybe next time though. Mercy says ok and leaves. Mercy goes home and Marcus is there cooking and says hey baby how was it? Mercy says it was fun. Adam is a cool guy but between me and you, I think he is gay. Or on the down low. But that's, not my business. You seem upset when you saw him. Is there something a need to know? Marcus says no I just don't like to see another man around my woman like that. Mercy says well I don't think he looking at me like that. And he kept asking me questions about you. Marcus says questions like what. Mercy says how long have we been dating. How do you like to satisfy me with all types of personal stuff? But I didn't think anything of it. Marcus says to stay away from that dude Mercy says why. Marcus says because I said so and he walks out of the house. Mercy says where are you going Marcus says to cool off. Marcus gets in the car and calls Adam. Adam says hey I knew you would call. Marcus says yea he has the same number we need to meet Adam says when and where.