
  • At His Father's Right Hand

    Romans 8:34

    A president, king, or CEO will often choose his most qualified, trusted and capable associate to serve as his right hand man. Jesus is now at the right hand of God the Father interceding for His people. Christ is the only one qualified, trustworthy and capable to be his Father's right hand man. Do you trust in Him as your mediator and your advocate before God? Tune in to hear Dr. Barnhouse teach these important truths.

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  • Christ in Our Place

    Romans 8:34

    At the end of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, a prisoner awaits his execution. In order to save him, a friend switches identities with the condemned man, and give his own life in his place. We all stand guilty before God, and under the sentence of eternal condemnation. But if you trust in Jesus Christ, you can rest assured that He has taken your place, paid the penalty for your sin, and given you eternal life. Listen to these words of assurance from Dr. Barnhouse.

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  • Safe Forever

    Romans 8:33

    England, France, and the rest of Europe breathed a sigh of relief when Germany was finally defeated in World War 1. But peace and security were only temporary as these same nations were terrorized by Nazi Germany just a few years later. Believers face constant spiritual onslaught from the world, the devil, and our own sinful flesh. But Dr. Barnhouse assures us that we are safe and secure forever through our redemption in Jesus Christ.

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  • Perfect Salvation

    Romans 8:32

    When we make a mistake, or fail at some task, we often remark "Oh well, nobody's perfect". This familiar saying is absolutely true with one notable exception; we all fall short of the glory of God, and even our best works are tainted by sin and imperfection. Listen as Dr. Barnhouse shares how Jesus Christ manifested absolute perfection in word, deed, character, and righteousness, and He offers perfect salvation to all who trust in Him.

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  • God is For Us

    Romans 8:31

    Jesus said, "He who is not with me is against me." But sometimes our faith may grow weak in the face of suffering and hardship, and we may wonder if God is really with us or against us. No matter what you face in life, you can rest with a quiet confidence in Jesus Christ and cling to the glorious declation that God is indeed for you now and forever. Listen to these encouraging words on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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  • A Trumpet Call

    Romans 8:30

    If a contestant on a game show answers a question incorrectly, the worst that can happen is losing a chance to win a prize. But in our study of the Book of Romans, we come to a question so important that it effects the eternal destiny of every person. Having set forth the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith, the apostle Paul now asks, "What then shall we say to these things?" What do you say to God's Word about salvation through Jesus Christ? Dr. Barnhouse addresses this question of life and death on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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  • Our Glorification

    Romans 8:30

    A baseball player on first base wants to score a run, but he may not make it. He could be caught stealing, or the next batter could make the third out, or he could be tagged out before reaching home plate. But God has determined that every one of His children will make it home. He has purposed that all those He foreknew, predestined, called, and justified will be glorified. Our glorification is an eternal unshakeable fact, sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Listen as Dr. Barnhouse speaks of our glorification on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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  • Our Justification

    Romans 8:30

    A weak link can break the chain that holds a ship to its anchor, and the ship would be swept out to sea. God has taken the likes of foreknowledge, predestination, calling, justification and glorification and forged a golden chain that secures our eternal salvation. But many Christians weaken God's golden chain through an improper understanding of one or more of these links. Do you have a biblical understanding of the vital link of justification? Tune in to hear more on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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