"No. It is Doctor Strange. Not Master Strange, not Mr. Strange. Doctor Strange."
Welcome back to another mystifying, body-healing, dimension-altering, and universe colliding episode of THE FILM SNARKS!!!
Do you believe that we are made of matter and nothing more?
Would you also believe if I had told you 14 years ago, a band of lesser known B, C, and even D-list comic book characters would go on to share a vast cinematic universe to become the most profitable movie franchise in history?
Well such is the case for one of those previously lesser known comic book characters, Sorcerer Supreme, Master of the Mystic Arts, and protector of our reality… Dr. Stephen Strange!
And this week marks the return of the grumpy wizard, with the hotly anticipated and much-hyped sequel, Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness, which is finally in theaters!
So join us as we desecrate reality as we know it to out if the MCU's latest is a nightmarish mess that leaves little else to be desired with the Master of the Mystic Arts following it, or if it was worth the wait as one of the best-realized MCU offerings, as a legit horror film, that opens new doors for the wider MCU in future films!!
“Every night I dream the same dream. And then… the nightmare begins.”