This episode explores the challenges to sleep health experienced during January, following the holiday season. It discusses the impact of disrupted circadian rhythms, accumulated sleep debt, and social jet lag on sleep quality. We'll talk about various strategies to improve sleep, including adjusting sleep schedules gradually, optimizing the sleep environment, employing sleep technology, and making dietary changes. Finally, we highlight the benefits of natural sleep enhancement methods such as light therapy and mindful practices. These strategies aim to help individuals recover from holiday-induced sleep disruptions and improve their overall well-being.
Want a natural sleep aid, try Hugging Leaf's NATURAL SLEEP Topical Patches (https://huggingleaf.life/s/natural-sleep)
or visit our website www.huggingleaf.com
For those interested in delving deeper into the world of dreams, you can grab your FREE copy of "Chasing and Understanding Your Dreams" here (https://www.huggingleaf.com/chasing-dreams).
Sweet Dreams!