The following data you see is from 53 responses captured via a survey that we promoted the last week of June 2021. We had hoped to get 100 responses but a late start to getting it out there and the fact that lots of people were out of office or working towards the holiday weekend was just bad timing on our part. That said we DID get just above the minimum we required and we know the data is still interesting to see for us - and hopefully you as well. Please also note that when we recorded we had 50 responses but between then and 24 hours later when Dave started putting the write-up and files together a few more had trickled in (there were 53 in final count). What type of company are you responding for? In-house or Agency? The breakout was 60/40 for the most part with 60% of those responding working or leading agencies. What type of marketing roles are you hiring for? Full-Time or Part-Time? The final number came in with almost 75% hiring all full-time employees.