After 198 episodes over the past 4 years we thought we should do something of a roundup on what we have learned about having guests, sound, tools, format, style, and also a few things that we would have done differently. Past Podcasting Resource Episodes: E43 – Podcasting Best Practices & LessonsE85 – How to Get Booked on PodcastsE94 – What are the Best Podcast & Site Hosting OptionsE120 – What Goes Into Making a Podcast EpisodeE172 – What is the Best Transcription Service?E192 – Redundancy. Redundancy. Full Transcript Mat Siltala: Welcome to another exciting episode of the business of digital podcast, featuring your host, Matt and Dave roar. Hey guys, excited to have you join us another one of these business of digital podcasts. And today we decided it would be good to just jump into some podcasting lessons lessons a day when I've learned over the. Um, [00:00:25] Dave Rohrer: literally years years [00:00:27] Mat Siltala: now. Yeah, we were talking about it four to