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In today's workplace, authentic leadership is the key to creating a culture of excellence. Kyle McDowell shares his transformative "10 We" principles aimed at guiding leaders to inspire their teams through trust, accountability, and empathy. Purchase Begin with We on Amazon or on Kyle's website: kylemcdowellinc.com
Join us as we talk about Kyle's best selling book and topics that include:
• Transforming from traditional management to authentic leadership
• Importance of principle-based leadership
• Building trust through open communication and transparency
• The ripple effect of ethical leadership on personal lives
• Navigating generational gaps with empathy
• Embracing challenges and learning from mistakes
• Nurturing a culture that values shared accountability
• The importance of doing the right thing always
• Inspiring a connection with team members for better outcomes
• The necessity for leaders to engage personally and authentically
Connect with Kyle @ https://www.instagram.com/kylemcdowellinc/ https://www.tiktok.com/@kylemcdowellinc https://www.youtube.com/@kylemcdowellinc https://www.facebook.com/KyleMcDowellInc https://twitter.com/KyleMcDowellInc www.linkedin.com/in/kylemcdowellinc
BelemLeaders–Your organization's trusted partner for leader and team development. Visit our website to connect: belemleaders.org or book a discovery call today! belem.as.me/discovery
Until next time, keep doing great things!