著者: First Europe Education (FEE) LTD
  • サマリー

  • While books and workshops used to be the standard for professional development, our podcasts offer an informal, flexible and engaging way to learn. We offer educational podcasts at the highest level. Während Bücher und Workshops früher der Standard für die berufliche Weiterbildung waren, bieten unsere Podcasts eine informelle, flexible und ansprechende Möglichkeit zu lernen. Bildungspodcasts auf höchstem Niveau bekommen Sie bei uns. First Europe Education (FEE) LTD
    First Europe Education (FEE) LTD
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While books and workshops used to be the standard for professional development, our podcasts offer an informal, flexible and engaging way to learn. We offer educational podcasts at the highest level. Während Bücher und Workshops früher der Standard für die berufliche Weiterbildung waren, bieten unsere Podcasts eine informelle, flexible und ansprechende Möglichkeit zu lernen. Bildungspodcasts auf höchstem Niveau bekommen Sie bei uns. First Europe Education (FEE) LTD
First Europe Education (FEE) LTD
  • Effective Educational Methods for Raising Children Vol. 2

    Podcast from 07-01-2025

    The podcast discusses effective parenting methods from the perspective of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). It describes positive and negative parenting styles, analyses common parenting mistakes (excessive love, fear, unrealistic expectations), and emphasises the importance of communication and active listening. A focus is placed on goal setting rather than problem solving, and on encouraging the child's personal responsibility through natural consequences rather than punishments. Finally, different communication models and styles are explained to avoid misunderstandings and promote a harmonious parent-child relationship.

    Copyright First-Europe-Education (FEE) LTD

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    27 分
  • Child Development and Education Volume 1

    Podcast from 06-01-2025

    The text deals with child development psychology, starting with the early childhood phase and its influencing factors, through the development of sensory organs, motor skills, language, thinking and social behaviour to personality development and typical behavioural problems. It examines various learning theories and their significance for school development, analyses the influence of family and environmental factors on the child and looks at the role of media such as television and computers. Finally, it discusses educational approaches aimed at self-determination and the assumption of responsibility by the child.

    Copyright First Europe Education (FEE) LTD

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    24 分
  • Animal Therapy: A Holistic Approach to Behavioral Disorders

    Podcast from 03-01-2025

    The texts are taken from three volumes of teaching material for prospective animal therapists. They deal comprehensively with the behaviour of various animal species (dogs, cats, horses, hamsters, birds, etc.), analyse behavioural disorders and their causes, and describe various therapeutic approaches, including naturopathic methods. Emphasis is placed on communication between animals and humans and the role of the pet owner in therapy. In addition, diagnostic procedures and the documentation of treatment are explained. Copyright First Europe Education (FEE) LTD

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    22 分

EDUCATION x1 PODCASTに寄せられたリスナーの声
