How did we even measure it if it’s so fast? Why can’t anything go faster than the speed of light? If I were to take a really really really (light years) long stick and push something on the end of it, would it happen “instantly”? What are some of the loopholes that would allow us to theoretically exceed the speed of light? ... we explain like I'm five Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community and in particular the following users whose questions and comments formed the basis of this discussion: sometimesokayideas, diogeneskuon, maadmaxx, acrazygerman and tofuattack, thrasher1236969 and javanator999 To the ELI5 community that has supported us so far, thanks for all your feedback and comments. Join us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/eli5ThePodcast/ or send us an e-mail: ELI5ThePodcast@gmail.com