Peace is a very vast topic and a concept God speaks about throughout the bible. We cannot cover all the great lengths of peace but being led by the Spirit we covered a general idea of how to find peace in the chaos of this world. Our main question going into it was "How do we find peace in such a chaotic world?". We talked about the world's pursuit of peace, Apostle Paul and Jesus's words on peace, and even a testimony about peace.
The world we live in is very chaotic and distracting but with the Prince of Peace living in us and working all things out for our good, we do not need to be anxious. Faith plays a big role in believing God cares and is there for us even in the valley. We pray that this podcast will bless you and encourage you to keep pursuing God because He is with you to the ends of the world!
Youtube: Nothing But Jesus
Instagram: NothingButJesus4