Do you know how to express your feelings when they arise? Are you in your emotion’s strangle hold or do they help develop intimacy with yourself and others? Accessing the lover archetype brings us closer to the beauty of this world and how we stand in relationship to it. We may not agree on the story (“you did XYZ to me”) but we can always relate on the feelings (“I feel lonely”). The questions then arise, is your lover balanced or is the shadow lover controlling you? Discovering the qualities of these shadows (addicted lover or impotent lover) creates understanding of how we may unconsciously create our own relationship hell, how to heal them and ultimately become the best version of ourselves.
The Empowered Lover:
- Sensual & sexual
- Feels emotions deeply
- Connected to all things
The Shadow Lover:
- Feelings are in control
- Addicted to pleasure
- Hates boundaries
- Can’t identify own feelings
- Shuts down when deep emotions get close
- Uncertain where I end and others begin
Download a handout of the archetypes at radicallyus.com under the “free stuff” tab and stay tuned for more posts in the future.
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