In this brief holiday episode, I share some things I love about the holiday season and my wishes for you, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Bodhi Day, or Diwali. I also share an observation about the humanity and hope we share, despite the differences in the religions we practice or where we are in the world.
- A warm and inclusive holiday greeting for all listeners, no matter what they celebrate.
- Acknowledgment of the stress that often accompanies the holiday season, with a reminder to enjoy the special moments.
- Personal anecdotes about the joys of Christmas, from early gift shopping to favorite holiday movies.
- The deeper meaning behind holiday lights and candles, representing hope and unity across different cultures and religions.
- A heartfelt wish for light, knowledge, and hope to prevail in everyone's lives.
Tune in for a heartfelt message that celebrates the diversity and shared values of our winter traditions. Happy holidays!
This episode is a Sunday Shot: a short and sweet solo episode with a runtime of approximately 10 - 20 minutes.
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