Hey there, my friends. As we get ready to welcome a new year, join me for a super-short Sunday Shot of "From Lemons to Limoncello." In this mini-episode, we talk about taking a slightly different approach to New Year's resolutions. And while I think we should always consider this important factor - this year it feels especially important.
With so much happening around the world, it's easy to get so caught up in the whirlwind of change and worry that we end up losing sight of ourselves and what our purpose on this earth IS. But its during these times that staying true to ourselves is MOST important -- because it's only through our authenticity that we can contribute fully to the world around us and make a positive impact.
What if this year -- instead of focusing on the things we want to change about ourselves -- we made a resolution to embrace who we really are and step into our "selves" more fully? Tune in as we talk about the power of authenticity and staying true to our purpose, despite the noise and worry in the world.
Here's to what has been a rewarding first season of "From Lemons to Limoncello." See you in the new year for season 2!
This episode is a Sunday Shot: a short and sweet solo episode with a runtime of approximately 10 - 20 minutes.
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