Josh Cary is the Co-Founder of PodMAX | Podcast Host and Founder of Hidden Entrepreneur
From Josh
F That Noise! I help you remove that NOISE in your head through the same 5-step process (N.O.I.S.E.) I used to adjust the score; Fear: Zero. You: Won.
Mission: helping entrepreneurs 'unmask' themselves, and reach the level of success they so desperately crave.
Today I am the Hidden Entrepreneur. That is because I spent 4 decades (yep, 40 years) hiding the best parts of myself. I showed up in every situation of life, personal, social, and business as the person I thought others expected me to be (good ol’ fashioned seeking approval).
I would HIDE my power. While also ignoring and resisting my skill, talent and ability that was desperately trying to surface. I wasn’t strong enough to allow it into the world. (Yet, ironically, I used all my strength to keep true ability at bay!)
So it remained hidden for years.
I allowed all others to help me perpetuate the false story and belief that I held as truth: That I am not valuable or capable, and nobody cares what I have to say or contribute.
That was my public persona. My private persona, alone and behind closed doors, secretly knew a different story.
I knew deep within myself that Josh Cary was very capable, very valuable, and had a great deal of power and skill to contribute.
But because I sold myself that false story for so long, I had no choice but to keep that version alive and continue to hide my power.
This dynamic created an ever-present emotion of anger, confusion, and frustration. I saw others doing the very things that I wanted to be doing. That I could be doing. That I should be doing. But I wasn’t doing.
Relationships suffered as I spiraled into despair and depression. I felt continually more and more isolated and disconnected from the world around me. And more disconnected from my true self.
Today, I work as a digital media and creative consultant, with the uncanny ability to bring the human side out of each person. And life now works a whole lot better.
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