Kia ora, welcome back to the first interview episode of season rua. We're starting off with an angel of the ecosystem world! Wednesday is the project coordinator at Experiencing Marine Reserves (to name just one of her many many many hats). This is what she is expanding on in this episode - don't worry, you'll see her back later this season to talk about her research on marine megafauna in Tikapa Moana!
Wednesday is an educator, but she is so much more than that. Her passion is inspiring, and her knowledge is astounding, a testament to the time she has spent below the surface (and up streams, on beaches, in wetlands!). It was an absolute pleasure to speak to Wednesday, and I hope it inspires you to volunteer or join in an EMR community day close to you!
P.S. If you're listening before March 31st - go vote for Fish of the Year now! Otherwise, wait til next Seaweek!
Sea Change website
Zinc or Swim