• Embrace the Unexpected: Gethin's Delightful Disruption

  • 2025/01/12
  • 再生時間: 15 分
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Embrace the Unexpected: Gethin's Delightful Disruption

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  • Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Embrace the Unexpected: Gethin's Delightful Disruption Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-12-08-38-19-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mae'r awyr yn oer a glir dros Barc Roath yng Nghaerdydd.En: The sky is cold and clear over Parc Roath in Caerdydd.Cy: Coed tal â changhennau bara, rhew yn addurno'r dail sydd wedi'u gadael.En: Tall trees with bare branches, frost decorating the leaves that have been shed.Cy: Mae Gethin, Rhiannon, a Dafydd yn gosod eu hamserlen ar y lawnt yn barod am bicnic gaeafol.En: Gethin, Rhiannon, and Dafydd set up their schedule on the lawn, ready for a winter picnic.Cy: Gethin yn meddwl am amser unig tawel tra bod yr awel yn dod i mewn o'r llyn gerllaw.En: Gethin is thinking of a peaceful, solitary time while the breeze comes in from the nearby lake.Cy: "Tybed os fydd unrhywun arall yma heddiw?En: "I wonder if anyone else will be here today?"Cy: " gofynnodd Gethin, yn cyffwrdd â'r eira ysgafn heb ei oeri.En: asked Gethin, touching the light snow without being chilled.Cy: "Peidiwch â phoeni, Gethin," meddai Rhiannon gyda gwên.En: "Don't worry, Gethin," said Rhiannon with a smile.Cy: "Byddwn ni'n iawn lle 'da ni.En: "We'll be fine where we are."Cy: "Ond cyn i'r drindod agor eu bwyd, clywon nhw sŵn uchel o'r ffordd.En: But before the trio opened their food, they heard a loud noise from the road.Cy: Troellodd Rhiannon yn gyffrous.En: Rhiannon turned excitedly.Cy: "Beth yw hwnnw?En: "What's that?"Cy: "Edrychai Gethin yn ddig wedi'i yswirio at y ffynhonnell.En: Gethin looked annoyed and reluctantly towards the source.Cy: Gwelodd llinyn hir o bobl wedi'u dilladu fel cymeriadau o ffuglen a hanes.En: He saw a long line of people dressed as characters from fiction and history.Cy: Roedd criw 'ma'n dathlu, yn chwifio baneri lliwgar, yn canu a dawnsio.En: This crowd was celebrating, waving colorful banners, singing, and dancing.Cy: "Beth ydy hyn?En: "What is this?Cy: Dim heddwch o gwbl," meddai Gethin mewn siomedigaeth.En: No peace at all," said Gethin in disappointment.Cy: Roedd Dafydd, fel arfer yn ddigynydd, yn gwenu.En: Dafydd, usually calm, was smiling.Cy: "Parêd gwisg yw hwn!En: "It's a costume parade!Cy: Edrycha'n hwyl!En: Looks fun!"Cy: "Rhiannon aeth ati heb oedi, yn caffeirio at y criw.En: Rhiannon took off without hesitation, beckoning to the crowd.Cy: "Dewch ymlaen!En: "Come on!Cy: Ewch efo ni!En: Go with us!"Cy: " galwodd hi dros ei hysgwydd.En: she called over her shoulder.Cy: Synnodd Gethin.En: Gethin was surprised.Cy: "Ydych chi'n ddifrifol?En: "Are you serious?"Cy: ""Pam lai?En: "Why not?"Cy: " atebodd Dafydd.En: replied Dafydd.Cy: "Dim byd gwell i'w wneud.En: "Nothing better to do."Cy: "Cysgodd Gethin, ychydig yn ddifater, ond dilynodd, er nad oedd mor bendant.En: Gethin sighed, a bit indifferent, but followed, although not as decisively.Cy: Wrth iddynt blethu i mewn i'r dorf, roedd cochni byrdwn yn codi yn y naws.En: As they mingled into the crowd, a rush of color rose in the atmosphere.Cy: Dechreuodd Gethin annisgwyl i fwynhau ei hun wrth i bobl eraill wenu atynt, ac ymunodd yn y canu a dawnsio.En: Unexpectedly, Gethin began to enjoy himself as others smiled at them, and he joined in the singing and dancing.Cy: Yn araf bach, grynhaodd peth cyffro Rhiannon a Dafydd i Gethin.En: Slowly, some of Rhiannon and Dafydd's excitement seeped into Gethin.Cy: Roedd yn teimlo'r cynhesrwydd o'r digwyddiadau annisgwyl, a'i feddwl yn newid wrth ei galon gynhesu o'r hwyl a'r sŵn.En: He felt the warmth of the unexpected events, and his thoughts changed as his heart warmed to the fun and noise.Cy: Wrth i'r p'nawn fynd heibio, roedd Gethin yn amlwg wedi ymuno â'r dorf, yn mwynhau'r awyrgylch.En: As the afternoon passed, Gethin clearly joined the crowd, enjoying the atmosphere.Cy: Daeth i ddeall y gall mwynhad ddod mewn llawer o ffurfiau, hyd yn oed pan nad yw wedi'i gynllunio.En: He came to understand that enjoyment could come in many forms, even when unplanned.Cy: Wrth i'r haul dro lawr dros Barc Roath, disgleiriodd Gethin gyda'r cwmni o ffrindiau wrth ei ochr.En: As the sun set over Parc Roath, Gethin beamed with the company of friends by his side.Cy: Roedd wedi gweld y gwerth mewn ychydig o amharwdra a spontaneidd.En: He had seen the value in a bit of disarray and spontaneity.Cy: Y tro nesaf, byddai'n well ganddo beidio â bod mor frwd am gynlluniau di-baid.En: Next time, he would prefer not to be so enthusiastic about relentless plans.Cy: Roedd y syniad o ymuno â phawl eraill yn teimlo'n well na thawelwch cyson.En: The idea of joining others felt better than constant quiet.Cy: Roedd parêd, heb os, wedi newid ei feddwl.En: The parade, without a doubt, had changed his mind. Vocabulary Words:frost: rhewbreeze: awelschedule: amserlensolitary: unigreluctantly: yn ddifaternoise: sŵncharacters: cymeriadaudisappointment: siomedigaethcalm: digynyddhesitation: oedimingled: plethuunexpectedly: ...
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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Embrace the Unexpected: Gethin's Delightful Disruption Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-12-08-38-19-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mae'r awyr yn oer a glir dros Barc Roath yng Nghaerdydd.En: The sky is cold and clear over Parc Roath in Caerdydd.Cy: Coed tal â changhennau bara, rhew yn addurno'r dail sydd wedi'u gadael.En: Tall trees with bare branches, frost decorating the leaves that have been shed.Cy: Mae Gethin, Rhiannon, a Dafydd yn gosod eu hamserlen ar y lawnt yn barod am bicnic gaeafol.En: Gethin, Rhiannon, and Dafydd set up their schedule on the lawn, ready for a winter picnic.Cy: Gethin yn meddwl am amser unig tawel tra bod yr awel yn dod i mewn o'r llyn gerllaw.En: Gethin is thinking of a peaceful, solitary time while the breeze comes in from the nearby lake.Cy: "Tybed os fydd unrhywun arall yma heddiw?En: "I wonder if anyone else will be here today?"Cy: " gofynnodd Gethin, yn cyffwrdd â'r eira ysgafn heb ei oeri.En: asked Gethin, touching the light snow without being chilled.Cy: "Peidiwch â phoeni, Gethin," meddai Rhiannon gyda gwên.En: "Don't worry, Gethin," said Rhiannon with a smile.Cy: "Byddwn ni'n iawn lle 'da ni.En: "We'll be fine where we are."Cy: "Ond cyn i'r drindod agor eu bwyd, clywon nhw sŵn uchel o'r ffordd.En: But before the trio opened their food, they heard a loud noise from the road.Cy: Troellodd Rhiannon yn gyffrous.En: Rhiannon turned excitedly.Cy: "Beth yw hwnnw?En: "What's that?"Cy: "Edrychai Gethin yn ddig wedi'i yswirio at y ffynhonnell.En: Gethin looked annoyed and reluctantly towards the source.Cy: Gwelodd llinyn hir o bobl wedi'u dilladu fel cymeriadau o ffuglen a hanes.En: He saw a long line of people dressed as characters from fiction and history.Cy: Roedd criw 'ma'n dathlu, yn chwifio baneri lliwgar, yn canu a dawnsio.En: This crowd was celebrating, waving colorful banners, singing, and dancing.Cy: "Beth ydy hyn?En: "What is this?Cy: Dim heddwch o gwbl," meddai Gethin mewn siomedigaeth.En: No peace at all," said Gethin in disappointment.Cy: Roedd Dafydd, fel arfer yn ddigynydd, yn gwenu.En: Dafydd, usually calm, was smiling.Cy: "Parêd gwisg yw hwn!En: "It's a costume parade!Cy: Edrycha'n hwyl!En: Looks fun!"Cy: "Rhiannon aeth ati heb oedi, yn caffeirio at y criw.En: Rhiannon took off without hesitation, beckoning to the crowd.Cy: "Dewch ymlaen!En: "Come on!Cy: Ewch efo ni!En: Go with us!"Cy: " galwodd hi dros ei hysgwydd.En: she called over her shoulder.Cy: Synnodd Gethin.En: Gethin was surprised.Cy: "Ydych chi'n ddifrifol?En: "Are you serious?"Cy: ""Pam lai?En: "Why not?"Cy: " atebodd Dafydd.En: replied Dafydd.Cy: "Dim byd gwell i'w wneud.En: "Nothing better to do."Cy: "Cysgodd Gethin, ychydig yn ddifater, ond dilynodd, er nad oedd mor bendant.En: Gethin sighed, a bit indifferent, but followed, although not as decisively.Cy: Wrth iddynt blethu i mewn i'r dorf, roedd cochni byrdwn yn codi yn y naws.En: As they mingled into the crowd, a rush of color rose in the atmosphere.Cy: Dechreuodd Gethin annisgwyl i fwynhau ei hun wrth i bobl eraill wenu atynt, ac ymunodd yn y canu a dawnsio.En: Unexpectedly, Gethin began to enjoy himself as others smiled at them, and he joined in the singing and dancing.Cy: Yn araf bach, grynhaodd peth cyffro Rhiannon a Dafydd i Gethin.En: Slowly, some of Rhiannon and Dafydd's excitement seeped into Gethin.Cy: Roedd yn teimlo'r cynhesrwydd o'r digwyddiadau annisgwyl, a'i feddwl yn newid wrth ei galon gynhesu o'r hwyl a'r sŵn.En: He felt the warmth of the unexpected events, and his thoughts changed as his heart warmed to the fun and noise.Cy: Wrth i'r p'nawn fynd heibio, roedd Gethin yn amlwg wedi ymuno â'r dorf, yn mwynhau'r awyrgylch.En: As the afternoon passed, Gethin clearly joined the crowd, enjoying the atmosphere.Cy: Daeth i ddeall y gall mwynhad ddod mewn llawer o ffurfiau, hyd yn oed pan nad yw wedi'i gynllunio.En: He came to understand that enjoyment could come in many forms, even when unplanned.Cy: Wrth i'r haul dro lawr dros Barc Roath, disgleiriodd Gethin gyda'r cwmni o ffrindiau wrth ei ochr.En: As the sun set over Parc Roath, Gethin beamed with the company of friends by his side.Cy: Roedd wedi gweld y gwerth mewn ychydig o amharwdra a spontaneidd.En: He had seen the value in a bit of disarray and spontaneity.Cy: Y tro nesaf, byddai'n well ganddo beidio â bod mor frwd am gynlluniau di-baid.En: Next time, he would prefer not to be so enthusiastic about relentless plans.Cy: Roedd y syniad o ymuno â phawl eraill yn teimlo'n well na thawelwch cyson.En: The idea of joining others felt better than constant quiet.Cy: Roedd parêd, heb os, wedi newid ei feddwl.En: The parade, without a doubt, had changed his mind. Vocabulary Words:frost: rhewbreeze: awelschedule: amserlensolitary: unigreluctantly: yn ddifaternoise: sŵncharacters: cymeriadaudisappointment: siomedigaethcalm: digynyddhesitation: oedimingled: plethuunexpectedly: ...

Embrace the Unexpected: Gethin's Delightful Disruptionに寄せられたリスナーの声
