When you begin to release the “lockdown” that your body has been trapped in for years (and sometimes even decades) you are inviting a new possibility of communion with your body. In so doing, you may experience: shame, pain and/or pleasure as you become radically and orgasmically alive. (1) Shame: How might you free yourself from this shame? (2) Pain: How might you release the pain while increasing your awareness for how your body is a contribution to others? (3) Pleasure: When you come out of lockdown you are able to receive the sensations of your body and the world around you. How can you fully receive this pleasure without going into shame or lockdown again? Join Dr. Lisa and special guest, Patty Alfonso, and receive pragmatic tools and facilitation to move beyond the shame and pain and into the magic of you and your radically and orgasmically alive body. No matter what, never give in, never give up and always create you as you desire.