
  • Integrated Living (Part 1 of 4)

    There are 3 important perspectives when living life as medicine. Without these, it is easy to fall into victimhood, apathy, and avoidance.

    With them, every experience can be transformed into an experience of growth, healing, and expansion. In this week's Enquiry episode we explore these perspectives and give you the foundations of living life integrated and as a fully expressed version of yourself that this world needs so desperately.

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  • Breadcrumbs

    Breadcrumbs and signposts work together to guide your focus toward that which has the most impact and where you have the most influence.
    While signposts are noisy and obvious, breadcrumbs can be subtle and easy to miss if you don't know what you're looking for.

    So what should you look for? Language and Intrigue or curiosities.

    Language will show you how to take a signpost and optimise the opportunity for the deep healing potential it holds. Your curiosities will bring together the pieces of the puzzle over time that will come together to form the purpose of your life.

    This conversation is one of my favorites and it is something you can implement in life TO-day! Get onto it and let me know what you notice for yourself.

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  • Handing Back Responsibility

    Life can feel so full on at times. Especially for those of us who have heightened sensitivity to the world around us. We can convince ourselves that it is our job to help the people we feel are struggling.

    But this is often not because these people are incapable of helping themselves but because we don't like the uncomfortable feeling of their suffering so we want that to stop. What this costs though is our energy, our time, and their dignity, their learning.

    Taking back responsibility is the topic of this week's podcast, where we look at the difference between empowering and rescuing and the cost to everyone involved.

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  • Strategies

    One of the biggest strategies I have worked with over a long period of time has been my self-talk. I started actively looking to improve my self-talk when I was 21. I didn't know much about strategies at the time and it wasn't until I learnt a strategy around correcting self-talk when I was 30 years old that I had my first unconscious kind thought to myself in a time of stress.

    It used to be self-punishing thoughts, self berating or just being angry with my perceived inadequacies. But when I adopted an active strategy to reframe my thinking and to implant the type of self-talk I wanted to experience it only took a matter of months and my mind was adopting this new strategy.

    This is the power of knowing how to consciously impact your strategies to get different outcomes. Me trying blind for 9 years with negligible results versus targeting the strategy and results in around 6 months. Some strategies can be changed immediately, and some take time, but this is where we find medicine, remembering that we have the influence to change the things that matter most to us and impact the results and experiences we have in this life.

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  • Why Life?

    When you can unpick a strategy you can shift it, change it and get better outcomes.

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  • The Humanness of Experience

    One of the questions I have learnt to ask myself when I am hit by another experience of my human-ness is ‘what direction am I trending?’

    The reason I go here is because there are no straight lines in growth, they are woobly, squirly and at times jaggard. If we are to judge ourselves based on every down turn we drag down any progress through self beratement rather than lifting ourselves up through self kindness and integration.

    Everything is here for your growth, including your muck.

    Have a listen and let me know what you notice for yourself around how you treat your humanness.

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  • The 4 Rs

    Picture this if you will, I am a single Mum, I separated from my kids Dad just over 18 months earlier. Our communication was hard. We couldn’t have a conversation without it ending in a screaming match. And they weren’t even face to face, this was all over the phone.

    I was beyond frustrated and felt completely lost as to how I could shift what was happening in a way that would serve our kids. I was spending a lot of nights crying and a lot of days angry, hurt and feeling deeply alone. I was lost. I didn’t know how to get out of the dynamic that I thought would be different when we separated. It wasn’t, while I had space, it was the same issues playing out even though we weren’t together.

    Around this time I attended a training in NLP and Meta Dynamics with a lady called Remi Pearson. The whole experience was phenomenal, but one model of experience particularly had me sitting in a hot bath one night with a bottle of red, really deeply looking at myself as to how I was contributing to the situation and how I could in fact influence it by changing the level of my focus and my behavior to match what I actually wanted.

    In this episode of Enquiry I am going to share with you that model and how you can use it to change everything.

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  • Responsibility: The Missed Opportunity

    I am so passionate about the conversation around responsibility because I think that it is the most misunderstood and underutilised tool in the integration of growth and healing.

    Rubber truly hits the road after a new insight has dropped in or something has been brought to your attention and you’re staring down the barrel of an opportunity to do something differently.

    At this point our ability to respond, to shift gears, as to how we have shown up in the past in order to apply our new learning, insight, or understanding, really comes from our capacity for responsibility.

    Developing and building your capacity in this area is incredibly impactful when it comes to congruently expressing yourself truly in the moment.

    You are not always going to “get it right” but you can respond in a way that leans towards growth, and integrity and invites healing.

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