In today’s episode, we are talking about entering writing contests. Kenny talks with Paula Sheridan, the founder of the Page Turner Awards, about how authors can enter, what they can in, and why they should even consider entering in the first place. Paula shares her insights into this topic and provides some practical tips and mistakes to avoid.
Highlights• Paula’s story
• Page Turner Awards
• Submitting to the Page Turner Awards
• What do you win?
• How writing contests can help you
• Who are contests for
• Biggest mistakes when entering contests
• When should a writer enter
Author Action Point:If you are an indie-published author and you are going out to enter a writing contest, make sure that your writing is the best that it can be. Give yourself the time to get the best book that you can. The same goes for those who want to go down the traditional route.
Resources MentionedBook Adaptation Boot Camp
Page Turner Awards
Mastering Character Emotions
Free Book Marketing Course
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